Thread: "Forced" prefs?
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Old 06-26-2002, 10:37 AM
shadokat shadokat is offline
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As I stated before, my school does require you to go to the # of parties for the round. For prefs, if you get invited to more than three, you cut down to three. If you get invited to 2, you go to both, whether you like em or not. If you don't, it's considered "breaking rush", and you are not eligible then to receive a bid from formal recruitment. I don't know why exactly it's done, with the exception of encouraging women to look at all of their choices before making a decision. As with so many stories we've seen on here, a woman goes through recruitment, and ends up getting an invite back to a place where she doesn't feel she fits in and quits recruitment. Unfortunately, reputation rumors and talk often influence the process, and the weaker sororities end up paying the price.

When it comes to filling out a bid card, if a woman suicides, that's fine, but if she doesn't get the bid, she can't COB that group for a semester. It's done to eliminate dirty rush in the first place. And if the girl loves the sorority enough to wait a semester, then I guess that's ok. Something that many Rho Chis don't tell you is that you can put down any sorority on your bid card. For instance, let's go with the A, B, C, D example. You love A, B, and C, but hate D. For prefs, you go to A & D, and were cut C & B prior. When you go to fill our your pref card, you don't have to put D down. You can put A B and C. On top of not suiciding and putting yourself in an awkward position, you allow the other sororities to know that even though they cut you for prefs, you're still interested in their sorority, and THAT I think is a good thing.
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