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Old 01-13-2012, 11:08 PM
psusue psusue is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 667
Maybe you could do a volunteer project with your free time. Or some crafts (pinterest has some amazing ideas). Or try a new recipe. Or visit with family members you don't see often. Or start a new TV series. Just something to get your mind off of things. I don't mean this to be rude, I just know I can get nervous and over think things and these may be better uses of your time than worrying at this point.

If you must do something recruitment related, pick out your outfits for the next rounds or try to start friendly conversations with people when you're out and about. Figure out a new cute way to do your hair. Or just put on some music and dance around for awhile. Something. I know recruitment is anxiety producing, but you can't let it take over your whole mind. Best of luck to you.
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