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Old 05-30-2012, 10:27 PM
DeltaBetaBaby DeltaBetaBaby is offline
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Okay, but to be clear, these disclosures of information (we're predominantly Jewish, we're founded on Christian principles, etc.), are very different from religion as a real topic of conversation. Further, they should be happening at later invitational rounds, and I know at least one chapter that does the "Jewish disclosure" has a pretty tight script and the rusher is well-trained in what to say and how to handle the conversation so as to prevent, as much as she possibly can, the PNM from feeling uncomfortable.

It's like the difference between the a rusher saying "Our dues are XXX per semester" and a rusher saying "So, do you come from money?".

On the flip side, if a PNM is concerned about how a chapter will react to her religion, it is really quite simple to somehow subtly bring it up in such a manner that the info is out there, and the chapter can decide if they wish to release her. There isn't a single NPC group that doesn't have a significant number of Jewish members, but if a local chapter was really all about bible study and didn't think a Jewish woman would fit in, they can obviously pick up on "I'm going home for Rosh Hashanah next weekend".

So, I think some of these conversations can be totally necessary and appropriate, but it still doesn't mean we should throw out the "Don't talk about religion" rule.
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