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Old 07-14-2012, 11:20 AM
AGDee AGDee is offline
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Originally Posted by arrowlady View Post
I think the between the ages of 18 and 20 are the grey years. Yes kids can vote an serve in the military. But they can't drink, rent a car, get rooms in some hotels, can't gamble etc. and what their parents make affects their financial aid and some scholarships.

So while at 18 the are legally adults, our society does not really treat them fully as adults.

That being said I am really pushing D to handle her college stuff. I did have to send one email to the billing office on TGTF because my husband and I bought the fund for her and were required per the paper work to notify the school ourselves.
Agreed. There are some things I am handling because hypo just doesn't has the knowledge (like some aspects of financial aid, student health insurance issues- which I am even struggling with and I work for my health insurer!) and other things I am making her handle.
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