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Old 01-05-2013, 11:39 AM
33girl 33girl is offline
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Originally Posted by ASUADPi View Post
I went through informal recruitment at my school.

They had all the chapters set up a booth in the MU. They did a meet and greet and then you went back to the houses you wanted to visit.

Since it was informal you came and went as you pleased. I didn't like that aspect as I felt it would be rude to just up and leave the house. I was invited back the next night and gladly went (and then received my bid).

While I LOVE ADPi and couldn't imagine belonging to another house, I do wish that I could have at least met the other houses. If that makes any sense at all.
It wouldn't have been rude - the other chapters knew that there were other groups to visit. If you didn't have the balls to leave and explore your options, that is not their fault.

Southernproper - if your rush ends up being set up like this, don't do this. Visit as many houses as you can. If a group cuts you because of it, they aren't the group for you. IMO every informal rush that is in the least bit scheduled (and I consider having a meet-and-greet kickoff the least bit scheduled) should coordinate with Panhellenic so that parties aren't held at the same time. It's not fair to the PNMs to make them the ones to have to say "well, I gotta go now" and it doesn't put across a very good impression of Panhellenic unity if ABC intentionally schedules their party the same night and time as XYZ because they want PNMs to choose.

If there are groups who literally are only able to bid one or two members, they don't even need to have a party. Bid two girls you know and get on with it - rather than throwing a big bash and making people think they have a chance when they don't. If ALL the chapters are in this state, there is no need for a "formalized" informal rush. Informal rush to help that one chapter who is below total when everyone else is 20 over? Forget the panhel-wide efforts, and let them work on their own. They need women who want to join THEIR sorority, not A sorority, and they'll do a lot better locating them if the PNMs aren't thinking there's a ghost of a chance they could join Popular PQR.
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil

Last edited by 33girl; 01-05-2013 at 11:42 AM.
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