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Old 07-17-2002, 01:01 PM
KappaStargirl KappaStargirl is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2001
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Posts: 519
One of my sisters (I'll call her Jane) cut DG after second round (of three). In that round, they did a skit and then showed the PNM's all their cute DG paraphernalia. Her host pulled out her Hannah doll and Jane almost ran away screaming...she is TERRIFIED of clowns and anything that resembles them. That night, she cut them.

Although I was pretty sure after round one that I wasn't meant to be a DG, I knew it for certain during round two: My hostess, who was being very nice even though I was having an attack of the stupids and couldn't think of anything to say, showed me her "love book." I don't know if all DG chapters do this, but the one at my school has big sisters take blank books and fill them with fun memories, poems, pictures, etc. and present them to their littles at initiation. I AM THE WORLD'S WORST ARTIST! I was banned from sign-making during my years as an active!! I took one look at that book, told her it was beautiful, which it was, and knew right then and there I was not going to be a DG. The thought of having to make one for my future little sis was not something I could deal with.