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Old 01-31-2014, 04:19 PM
thetalady thetalady is offline
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Originally Posted by daisy000 View Post
I know that not everyone receives a bid. I'm saying I was a qualified candidate, and everyone I've spoken to is absolutely shocked I didn't get a bid.

I will only say that I did everything right except that interview. My GPA is above the average, I am extremely involved on campus + volunteering off campus, I connected with alumni who came to colonize. I took nothing for granted and I went through the entire process.

So the only thing that stands out to me as not great, was the interview. I just feel I was judged in the interview before being able to express who I am. I was one of the last interviews and it almost felt like she was tired of interviewing women.
First, I have to say that you may feel you were "qualified" but you don't even know what criteria the organization is looking for. You have no idea what kind of mix they were trying to create with the women that they chose to offer bids to.

I guarantee you that there were LOTS of qualified women who interviewed and not all of them received bids. Being qualified doesn't get you membership.

I am very sorry that it did not work out for you. You can't always get what you want.
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