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Old 03-30-2014, 11:24 AM
AnchorAlumna AnchorAlumna is offline
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Originally Posted by iamamom View Post
...So she went to our regional panhellenic website which clearly stated - if you are looking for a rec go to the national site. She went to the national site and found some email addresses and asked for help - she was emailed back to go to the local panhellenic...I suggest you go look to your national organization websites and pretend you don't know anything about it. Is the information easy to find?
I SO agree with this! We need to be making it easier, not harder, to find recommendations!

Originally Posted by shirley1929 View Post
...I told her that she may get some very strange looks from her friends when she starts asking about recs. Since it doesn't happen much up north or where they might have gone to school, they think it's not necessary anywhere.
I've done the same thing - warned PNMs that they may have to tell the alumnae they contact that recs are required at Southern schools.

Overall - we need to be better educating our members about the necessity of recs and how to correctly do them for your organization. I think part of the problem is that are usually processed by a committee or a couple of individuals, and most members don't see or hear about them except as a brief mention when you're going over the PNM list.

But if they're just a check-off item for your org and you don't read or use them, change your policies and procedures to eliminate them.

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