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Old 05-05-2014, 11:57 PM
bevinpiphi bevinpiphi is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 237
I went very non traditional for my flowers. I'm allergic to...well, nature, and I didn't see the flowers as a necessary cost. Instead, I spent about 100 hours overall on all of the flowers for my bouquet, my bridesmaids, and the bouts. Our wedding colors were pewter grey, cornflower blue, and a light yellow as an accent, but I focused mostly on white and cornflower for the bouquets, with touches of black and pewter. All of my flowers were hand sewn. I got lazy by the end of the bridesmaid's flowers, and some of theirs are hotglued. For most of the flowers in my bouquet, the center bit is part of the lace applique from my mom's dress. Mom's dress wasn't properly preserved, so the bottom was quite yellowed...also, she was a size 5. Her dress wouldn't even go on my thigh.
I was so irritated when I got the proofs back from my photographer, because even after I said how long I spent on them and told him the story, the only picture they're kind of close up in is one featuring the ring pillow - I asked for two specific details shots - one with the rings, one of my bouquet. But oh well, I have the bouquet itself, so all is fine.
A pic I took of the full bouquet:

A closeup of a couple of the flowers:

SUPER overbright group shot of the bouquets:

Can get an idea of size:

You can see the bouquet in the background of the ring pillow here:

Also made a bitty toss bouquet....because we did a test with my bouquet, and that thing hurt. I also wanted to keep my actual bouquet.

Last edited by bevinpiphi; 05-05-2014 at 11:59 PM.
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