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Old 08-23-2014, 07:25 PM
lake lake is offline
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Originally Posted by KSUViolet06 View Post
I was in college when FB came out at my school in 2004. I seriously cannot believe that it is almost 10 years later and we are still having to remind people about cleaning up social media. We were given the same spiel back then.

We had to learn as we went that social media could bite us in the butt in life.
You'd think it would be second nature for those kids coming in as freshmen now to have CLOROX CLEAN or PRIVATE social media accounts, because for them, there has pretty much always been FB/Twitter/etc. and they have grown up in the age of FB bullying, stuff going viral, etc.
In some ways there is a bright side to this stupidity. I read somewhere earlier this week that the pure evil ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria can be easily tracked by their social media activity. Apparently they can try to disguise their voices and dress up all in black like executioners, but they just don't have the discipline to stop sharing on social media about their favorite sports teams, etc. It's just such an ingrained habit for them.

This has nothing to do with recruitment, of course, but it just goes to show that sometimes stupidity does have a bright side.
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