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Old 08-31-2014, 10:55 PM
cinder1965 cinder1965 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Indianapolis
Posts: 257
Bottom line, recs cannot hurt you. But there is also no definitive evidence they are truly helpful. Do not expect the cursory next round invitation just because you have a rec to a chapter.


Two years ago, my step daughter went through IU rush and pledged a house she loves. I ran around and secured 7 rec letters for different houses. The rec letters led to invites to two pre rush events (which I understand is no longer permitted except for legacies). At least 2 houses dropped her right after first round despite the rec letter. At least 2 more dropped her after second round. However, one of the pre rush events she attended ended up being the house she pledged. She completely connected with a sister at this event and all through rush this sister made sure more sisters met my step daughter. Without the rec letter, she would not have met this sister, etc. Who knows, maybe she would have ended up there anyway, as it is a perfect house for her.

So, while the recs didn't hurt one bit and it made me feel better to help her in some way, clearly some chapters didn't pay a bit attention to them!

Based on my experience with my step daughter, my SK sister is on point regarding rec letters at IU.
One Heart, One Way Since 1874
Sigma Kappa, Beta Sigma Chapter