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Old 03-08-2015, 09:32 AM
KDCat KDCat is offline
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Originally Posted by GPhiBLtColonel View Post
...well, that is true....except if you are a member of said race being "slurred" and using the "slur" in a song you are singing or a book you are writing....
Oh, dear... I am going to avoid the debate about what in group members can say and what out group members can say, because it's complicated and nuanced.

I don't think we should use the bad behavior of people who aren't members of our organizations to excuse or minimize the bad behavior of our members. Just because Kim Kardassian (sp.?) has her ass hanging out all over the internet doesn't mean that I am willing to accept that behavior from one of my KD sisters, especially a collegiate member. Nor do I need to enter into a debate about slut shaming and body pride. It's just not behavior we engage in. What everybody else does is not our business.
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