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Old 06-28-2015, 01:40 PM
xibair xibair is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: OH again
Posts: 485
Carnation thank you so much for bumping this thread.
This has been bothering me for me weeks and unsure what to do.

Question to all GCers, should I go ahead and fill out an Alpha Xi Delta recommendation for niece even though she may or may not follow through with sorority rush?

Here is my long winded story. I will not state the school since many of you can figure it out so quickly.

A year ago my niece was accepted to an instate school and I always believed sorority experience would suite her since she was smart, beautiful, but an introvert. She reminded me of myself as an introvert and I grew into my shell because of my sorority experience and holding an executive officer position. I believe this would be a beneficial experience for her. So, I gave her the all the information I read on GC and she showed no interest. I was kind of okay with it but I must admit I was disappointed. On a biased note I was hoping she would participate in rush because there is an Alpha Xi chapter at her university. I never brought it up again unless she asked.

Approximately three weeks ago she came over to my house and informed me she is going to rush this fall and needed help. I fell on the floor and was beyond excited. I asked her what changed her mind and it was because she had some close friends who are Delta Gamma’s . She asked me about how you deal with rejection. So we spent hours of research and I never thought about asking how her GPA was.
OH MY… It’s awful. The reason for the poor grades is because of my BIL. I’m not sure if you read my past posts but he has been in numerous failed rehabs for alcohol and he continues to deteriorate.Both my niece and nephew needs to go to counseling but that is a whole different issue.

So I was blunt. She needs to improve her grades and concentrate on school. I informed her she probably would be dropped by most if not all because of her poor grades. I broke her heart and now she is not sure if she wants to participate in formal rush .

I still feel awful and not sure what to do.
Alpha Xi Delta

Last edited by xibair; 06-28-2015 at 01:43 PM.
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