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Old 08-11-2002, 06:46 PM
AlphaXiDiva AlphaXiDiva is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Sacramento/Redlands,CA
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Talking saving the "best" for last

When I was a naive freshman, I rushed and became nearly obsessed with an organization on my campus (which I refuse to mention now for bitter rivalry reasons!), and was doing all that I could to fit in and make the best impression. When it came time for open house (2 hour time slot to visit the houses you were invited back to) I was late starting and ended up getting caught up in one of my least favorite houses (they weren't all that established on my campus) talking to some girl from my home town. I ended up running to my dream house and barely making it before the doors closed. I was devastated when I opened my envelop and their bid wasn't inside. But something about theb uttrflies on the bid from teh house that was newer struck me and so I entered their room to greet my 11 other pledge sisters! (we were the 2nd largest pledge class that spring!)
It's funny I didn't get a bid from them and I wondered why until I spoke with an active (from their org.) and found out they thought I wasn't interested in their org. since I didn't even make a point to greet their women at open house.
Needless to say, I was surprised, but Oh My Goodness did things turn out for the best. My sisters are my family on campus, and the sister I got caught up talking to ended up one of my closest friends, and once I saw the girls the org. I thought I wanted chose, it intensified my conviction that things happen for a reason and they end up for the better in the end.
It's funny how we don't always know what's best for us...trusting fate is not so bad!
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