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Old 02-04-2016, 12:46 PM
amillionlights amillionlights is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Texas
Posts: 62
After playing basketball all through high school in Bethesda, Alex Purdy said she rushed as a freshman because she thought a sorority might provide the same sort of belonging and friendship she had enjoyed on a team. But the experience seemed a little … empty. She said that instead of promoting leadership, kindness and intelligence, sorority members encouraged each other to dress “sluttier” at a formal so the guys would like them, talked about dropping weight-loss products into a new member’s basket and, when describing the type of sister they didn’t want, used a vulgar term for a certain kind of overweight person.
Why do people always attribute this kind of stuff to sororities? Are girls on a sports team, girls in clubs, girls who live in the same dorm, etc., so much more loving, kind, thoughtful, and pure of heart than girls in sororities? I really don't think so. This behavior exists everywhere and I don't think it's fair to attribute it to sororities only. I was in band in high school and heard people use vulgar terms for overweight people. I was in SGA in college and girls talked about losing weight and what they would wear to parties. Is that right? No, not at all. But this behavior exists everywhere.

I'm not denying that there are definitely always changes that can be made to the Greek system, and that it's important to start a dialogue about those changes. But I think to say "I was on a sports team and it was great and then I was in a sorority and it was horrible and all girls are mean to each other and tear each other down" - just isn't the full story.
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