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Old 07-17-2017, 07:31 AM
FSUZeta FSUZeta is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: naples, florida
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Knowing sorority sisters who received "the call" about their legacies being released, I can tell you it does not soften the blow. Whether or not the legacy joins another group or remains independent, the wound never completely heals.

And I've got a story for you: I was recruitment advisor for a chapter that received a glowing rec for the sister of a Zeta who was a member of a different chapter. When the legacy showed up on the party list, we got the best rushers prepped to help the PNM have a great experience. Boy were we surprised when the legacy walked in and we discovered that she was a married mother of two in her late 20s! The campus culture is such that she did not fit the standard new member mold, nor did she meet our national membership requirements and she was released. The national policy did not require that anyone call the rec writer, but she called around and I was told by the district officer to give her a call, which I did. Turns out that the PNM was not even a real sister, but rather a dear friend with whom the rec writer had grown up, and they always referred to themselves as sisters! So I got the opportunity to gently educate the woman on our legacy policy, as well as the cultures of the campuses in the state in regards to late 20 aged PNMs.
I live in Fantasyland and I have waterfront property.

Last edited by FSUZeta; 07-17-2017 at 07:44 AM.
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