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Old 09-29-2017, 05:15 PM
ASTalumna06 ASTalumna06 is offline
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Originally Posted by DTD Alum View Post
Those recruitment videos may look ridiculous for graduates of almost every age and gender, but we're not who they're targeting. For 17 and 18 year old women, videos that show fun, put together and well dressed girls doing cool things (yachts! music festivals! pools! running on the football field!) is wayyyyyy more of a draw than studying in the library or conducting chapter meetings. Keep in mind they're coming from high school, and only the absolute richest girls have had access to these types of events with their friends before (and they're going to want to keep at least the status quo anyway). They're wildly exciting to that age group and that's why chapters are spending so much money on them. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
Perhaps that's the case. But then we can't be surprised when PNMs believe that their GPA isn't going to be a huge factor going into recruitment.

And I don't think you give 17- and 18-year-old women enough credit. To think that all of them are simply drawn in by pretty houses and glitter is not accurate.

I'm not saying you have to show a video of women in the library studying, but why, instead of running around aimlessly with a meaningless song playing, do we not talk about the benefits of membership? The importance of scholarship? The friendships? The lifelong connections? The opportunity to give back to the community? Heck, you can even talk about and show your amazing house and the social events you hold, all while hanging out by the pool. But a good number of recruitment videos are expensive, trivial recordings that portray nothing of substance.
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