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Old 08-11-2019, 12:29 PM
FSUZeta FSUZeta is offline
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Originally Posted by AZTheta View Post
This is harsh: my question is, were the mother and daughter living in a media-free bubble? It's absolutely incomprehensible to me, with social media being what it is, that both were unaware of the competitiveness, let alone the actual structure (intensity), of SEC recruitment. Surely she had recs. Surely she heard from peers about Georgia. They would not have jumped into the shark pool so blithely without doing research - right? GAH!

I live in the desert, far far away from SEC recruitment; I rushed back in the day at a "laid back" UCSB and even I knew better back then (no "extra" houses, all were competitive),and I know way better now. I do most sincerely wish her the very best of luck finding a home. May this story have a happy ending, please. Please. Please.
My thoughts exactly. Add to that the fact that Mummy and Daddy have always swooped in and been able to run the gauntlet for their kids and now these kids have few coping skills and that is why girls are crying in the first rounds.
I live in Fantasyland and I have waterfront property.
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