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Old 10-24-2019, 10:24 PM
Loyally Kappa Loyally Kappa is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Oxford, MS
Posts: 231
Sounds like what "The Box" wanted for my daughters!

Originally Posted by Jen View Post
I wrote a lot of recs this fall, and for the most part I always had to ask for extra info beyond what ladies included in their rec resume. So here goes:

  • Your name (and any nickname - say your name is Katherine but you go by Katie - include that)
  • Your address (including zip code)
  • Your high school name and location
  • your year of graduation from high school
  • SAT/ACT (ours doesn't ask for it, but some may)
  • GPA (and the scale used)
  • whether that GPA includes AP courses or not (you can include what the courses are if you'd like)
  • the university you're attending
  • your year of freshman admission
  • if you've completed any college already
  • if you have, the college name and location and your college GPA and the hours you've completed (this is important for transfers and upperclassmen!)
  • legacy status (I usually recommend you state separately in your email to your rec writer if you're a legacy to their group, but leave legacy status off all forms so no one assumes you'll go XYZ - that way the groups in question know, but no one else)
  • Interests and activities you have - THIS IS IMPORTANT - A big portion of our rec is asking about who you are and what you like. So include what you did in school - sports teams, drama, choir, etc. Include things you did outside of school - dance, tutoring, philanthropy etc. Any awards you won for anything etc.
  • A separate photo along with the resume - you can include one on the resume as well, but also send a separate one. It's not a requirement, but a good idea so the chapter can put a name to a face. It will help them remember you.
  • Send photos as JPG and resumes as PDF.

I always end up asking via email for some personality info because we have room to include more info and I like to say something like "Jane is very shy, but gets along well with really outgoing people who can bring her out of her shell" to help the chapter match PNMs and rushers up so they end up having good conversations. So you may want to include something in the body of your email (not the rec) to your writer. Something simple like "I"m a very outgoing person and can hold a conversation with anyone" or "I'm really shy and I know recruitment will be a challenge, but I love talking with outgoing people, they really help put me at ease." or something like that.

Every org has different rec requirements, but this should help with the basics. Some rec writers (especially if you know them through someone) may want to chat on the phone or by email for awhile to get to know you a little.

Make an effort to find people to write who know you personally. They'll be able to write a more comprehensive rec. If you can't find anyone personal, try friends of friends etc. Finally, contact Alumnae Panhellenic Associations, as they can put you in touch with rec writers.

I can't speak to your school specifically, but I'm sure someone here can.
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