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Old 03-17-2020, 12:00 PM
PGD-GRAD PGD-GRAD is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Indiana
Posts: 4,394
Rose-Hulman has now been closed for the year—everything will be online. As with many schools, students were sent home for FOUR WEEKS of online with the idea they’d return early in April.
So now, students who have driven or flown home and NOW—somehow—have to return, pack up and vacate campus. While perhaps unavoidable, it’s a HUGE challenge. Many students of 1,000 miles away or more had parents bring them and drop them off in the fall. Elaborate lofts have to be dismantled, rooms checked, keys turned in. In the past RAs have done this. It’s a great challenge to say the least.

In addition, Rose is an ALL engineering school. Profs are struggling to figure out how to put labs online, not to mention Senior Design projects and presentations. Also the spring career fair is gone where many students obtained internships and co-ops.

As for the Greeks—our guys just realized there would be no composite for this year! While it’s a small thing, it’s something they are just now realizing. So MANY small things are impacted.
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