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Old 07-27-2022, 06:55 PM
carnation carnation is offline
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We supposedly got rid of them. This is asinine. Far from leading to iNcLuSioN, this is taking chances to be known by the Greeks from unknown girls. For many years, I have written recs for girls from the small-town schools where I've taught and sent their information to other Greeks to writ recs and most have pledged, even at big schools. Now they're behind the eight ball because they're unknown and we all know that most sororities aren't going to (or be able to) start the selection process the first day they meet the girls.

Not only that, but many sorority women I know have confirmed that they'll be casting their nets a lot closer to shore, so to speak, because without recs they don't know anything about the PNMs' personalities. Who wants a girl who looks good on paper but will embarrass the sorority by making dirty or racist videos? Or causing drama 24/7 (I've personally know of chapters that have been split in half by that)?

Many NPCs are losing millions with some of their crap new policies. Good.
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