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Old 07-29-2022, 07:33 PM
Titchou Titchou is offline
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Originally Posted by shadokat View Post
I found four recs for her. I think she was missing three total.

My point here is that you're asking if she jumped through 7,000 hoops for these recommendations from people who don't even know her! What is the value in that? I would think a recommendation from a boss, teacher or clergy person would be much more valuable in terms of a real recommendation than a stranger. Maybe I just am misunderstanding this whole thing.
Well, 3 out of 18 isn't bad...and she would more than that release her anyway just to get to the number of parties that day. So, bravo for her! As for the rest of your statement, are you saying that "friend of the family" isn't good enough? Sweetie, I write a ton of recs based on the recommendation of friends. In fact, that's even a category on our rec form!
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