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Old 05-02-2023, 12:39 PM
jbakajp jbakajp is offline
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Originally Posted by SWTXBelle View Post
I have several transgender friends; I have a family member who is transgender; I have taught transgender students. Not a one of them was doing it for attention, and in fact, they would have loved to NOt have attention given to them for being transgender. That, of course is anecdotal and not something to base a general statement on, but luckily, resources exist which are more far-reaching:

Some people's fascination with others genitals is worrisome. You start getting into chromosomes and hormones, and open up a whole can of worms that can easily be avoided by simply allowing people to be themselves.

The issue should be the pressure put to bear on KKG members to pledge someone they didn't wish to pledge, and who apparently did not meet the minimum qualifications.

As to creepy, criminal, or bothersome behavior - it should be addressed with the individual via the proper channels, be they the law, administration, or those in charge.
If we're talking strictly about the KKG lawsuit, then there are clearly identified issues it addresses, such as failure to follow written membership determination procedures, satisfaction of minimum grade requirements, etc.

However, the larger issue is the letting people be themselves - is a transgendered woman an actual man or an actual woman? Why should society (or a sorority) be obligated (demanded) to treat, accommodate, and accept a transgendered person as opposite of the person's birth sex/gender? And if/when a transgendered member reverts to his birth sex, then the sorority has to deal a gazillion issues it never would have had, but for lack of staying true to its founding as an organization of, by, and for women.

It doesn't matter if the anecdotal majority of transgendered persons don't *want* attention, it matters that the sororities are turning themselves inside out to accommodate those that want to be members. Supposedly, this is very few people, and yet, the time and treasure of the sororities on the chapter and national level being spent on the matter of transgender acceptance is astonishing.

Last edited by jbakajp; 05-02-2023 at 12:44 PM. Reason: Grammer/spelling