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Old 05-06-2023, 06:25 PM
AZTheta AZTheta is offline
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Titchou, your memory made me recall my own preference at Theta. The dessert being served was cherries jubilee. Very elegant presentation, crystal bowl… fancy. Yeah. This was more than a few years ago. Yes, brandy, yes lighter. You won’t see that today.

Cue a large flame (an explosion from the fumes I guess), a sudden “whoosh”, and the bowl cracked and then broke in two. Ice cream, cherries, etc. went everywhere. It was a slow motion disaster. I managed to not scream or laugh although I desperately wanted to do both at once. I couldn’t make eye contact with the other PNMs or any of the actives. Fortunately this was close to the end of the pref ceremony. I went to Pi Phi for my 2nd pref party but don’t recall much after the cherries jubilee.

Our chapter never served cherries jubilee ever again. I can still see the President and Rush Chair standing behind the table which was elegantly set. Lighted candles. Beautiful linens and silver. Oh my… memory lane.

Some of my pledge sisters were in my pref group. To this day we still share that memory and now we laugh. At the time I was likely in a bit of shock plus overwhelmed with the entire rush experience and I don’t recall discussing it with anyone else.

/end of swerve, back to crying & anchors in the eyes. Titchou I would have laughed with you! Cheers to my favorite anchor mate.
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision." Bertrand Russell, The Triumph of Stupidity
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