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Old 06-23-2023, 02:46 PM
carnation carnation is offline
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Recruitment-"my child does no wrong"


So some woman posted in a group that her daughter is rushing at an SEC school with a high GPA and a lower SAT. (of course, her daughter "doesn't test well". Who really does?) She wanted to know if sororities at that school look at SATs and ACTs. I replied that yes, at least some do. She didn't like that.

I wrote that one reason for that is high schools that toss out A's like candy so as not to be sued by parents. This has been going on for years, and the only way to compare grades among students is to have everyone take the same test. She and her buddies didn't like that.

As a professor and teacher of maaany years, I have seen what happens if colleges don't use standardized tests. We would get the applications from the students with the high GPA/low tests, and be suspicious about the student's college capabilities. Sometimes a committee member would beg to admit the student, that surely no one could have a 4.0 and do badly. Yes, they could. Especially if they were from this one nearby candy-tossing high school, they often didn't make it past freshman year.

So some of the women went on and named someone in their past who succeeded in college with low test scores--and great for them! It is not the norm! Then they went on to say how unfair it was that their precious daughters might be judged because they didn't test well.

I guarantee that these will be the same moms who call Panhellenic after recruitment and scream that their kids didn't get a fair shot at "a good sorority" and demand that they get to re-rush immediately. Waiting to hear Little Darling's recruitment results...
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