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Old 07-06-2023, 02:23 PM
andthen andthen is offline
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Originally Posted by AnchorAlumna View Post
I've seen plenty of girls (and guys) with low ACTs/SATs and great grades. I think it shows they're willing to work hard for good results.
Do they work to Phi Beta Kappa level?
Usually no, but they still pass with decent grades.
Regardless, that first and second year of classes is what sorts them out.
High ACTs/SATs don't guarantee anything.
This!! I was one of those who scored poorly on my SATs and yes when I went to college it had an impact on my application (I got rejected from some schools), despite the fact that I had a good GPA. In college I did well, in part because the classes I was taking were classes that were of interest to me and of course classes associated with my major.

I am glad there is less emphasis on SAT scores, I've seen plenty of people with high scores either 1. barely graduate high school, or 2. flunk out of college due to poor grades.

On the flip side yes there are people who get fantastic scores and do well grade wise in college but to just lump people into this or that, just stinks. And nope my parents never called anyone to intercede on my behalf. I had a high school guidance counselor tell me to not apply to one state U because she said I likely wouldn't get in. I applied anyways and got in, and while I didn't go there, I did it more just to spite the old bag. And yes I made sure I stopped by her office after i got the acceptance letter from that particular school.
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