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Old 07-07-2023, 01:44 AM
Phrozen Sands Phrozen Sands is online now
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Originally Posted by andthen View Post
Yeah that person was a total a-hole in that situation, even though I apologized that I didn't show, the fact that they couldn't accept I had a legit reason...that was their problem and certainly not mine. That was the last conversation I ever had with that person and I wasn't even bothered that it was.
Preach! Good for you, andthen! That person was definitely the problem, not you. And I’m glad you recognized that. Generally, people who have minions as “friends” are pretty much a-holes throughout life and not just in that situation. I think you did a superb job in how you handled that.

Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
Wow! So she started “commitment ceremonies” for friends? Uh uh… I wouldn’t be interested in that at all. Honestly, if she approached me with this, I’d ask her if this was Amway or some kind of pyramid scheme (I hate those).

I’m not a people person so my circle of friends is very small. It’s just four of us. My BFF from my childhood, her sorority sister and my friend who I met from my biological sciences honor society membership when I was in undergrad — we all live in the same state not far from each other now. I met a few friends in vet school when I lived in East Lansing but they were more study friends than friends I hang out with. Coming back to Minnesota to be back with the three of them again just made us that much closer. We are very close.

In the article, she compared arranged marriages with arranged friendships. Friends also come when you’re not looking for them just as some spouses do. I met my close friends and my husband when I wasn’t looking for them. To each their own, I guess.
Lmao!! @ Amway.

Yeah, she sounded pretty desperate to meet friends, based on that article. I wouldn’t be that pressed, but like you said, CG - to each their own. I’m beginning to change my stance on this topic. The more it’s being discussed, the less I’m seeing the similarities with GLOs. What sorority is your bff and her sorority sister members of - if you don’t mind me asking?
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