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Old 08-14-2023, 05:09 PM
TLLK TLLK is offline
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Originally Posted by AZTheta View Post
I logged in to post the latest updates, and see that you’ve done so, thanks. If it’s true what the six year old is alleged to have said, this is so far beyond anything that can be excused or blamed or whatever spin someone might try to put on his actions. And his family as well. Yes those are poorly worded sentences. I’m seeing red and that’s my excuse. No time to rewrite or edit.

This is not going to end well. All the money in the world can’t restore Ms. Zwerner to who she was prior to the shooting. And I don’t have the professional training to address the multiple issues in the shooter and his family.
You're welcome.
I cannot imagine what it was like for his prior teacher(s) and the instructional aides who had to deal with his explosive behaviors. He's too young to have understood his actions, but he is also a threat to his peers. His actions towards them and other adults is the reason why he was a behavior transfer and a parent was required to accompany him to school each day.

You are correct in stating that this will not end well for him, his family and his teacher Ms. Zwerner.
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