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Old 08-21-2023, 04:24 PM
*winter* *winter* is offline
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Bumping this with the greatest response of all…truly meant to be for this sister!

Originally Posted by LionTamer View Post
This reminds me of a weird rush incident. At the time, there were 16 sororities and we seemed to be a lot of great PNMs' "safety" sorority - we always had a 3 crowded preference parties, but ended up losing so many of our favorites to the "top 3".

So it was our last pref party, I was tired and cranky, and I knew that the next day, most of my favorite girls would be going elsewhere.

I sat down next to a lovely girl, poised, beautiful voice, perfect posture, perfect hair, perfect makeup, and holding a yellow and red carnation and a little booklet with a kite on the cover, clearly indicating where she had visited before us (I won't mention what two other sororities were involved Note to youngsters: Back in the day, you were allowed to give PNMs small gifts - nothing valuable - tokens like flowers, hand-made booklets, etc.)

Anyway, she said "I have no idea how I'm going to make this choice. It's really going to be tough!"

OK. That was it. I'd had it.

I looked her right in the eye and, dripping sarcasm, I said "Oh, you know exactly where you want to go. Don't torture yourself, just go with your gut write down your favorite and leave it at that. You'll end up where you were meant to go."

The next day, much to my horror, there she was, in our suite. She came right over to me, hugged me and said "Thank you so much! I knew I wanted to go ASA, but everyone kept telling me different things. So I followed your advice, and you're right! It was easy!"

Thank God sarcasm goes right over some people's heads. And yes, of course she ended up as chapter President at some point, blah, blah, blah.
* Kelsey *
"Apart" of isn't the right is " a_part_of"...
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