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Old 10-10-2023, 06:56 PM
lake lake is offline
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Originally Posted by PrettyBoy View Post
If I dropped my kid off at school with the shirt I put on her that morning, and when I picked her up from school she was wearing a different shirt? I’d ask her why she’s wearing a different shirt. And where is the shirt she had on this morning? Where’d the teacher get the other shirt from? I don’t know who was wearing that shirt. After my kid told me what happened, I’d get out of the car, go into the school and raise all kinds of hell. You mean to tell me you took a shirt off of my kid’s back, and then turned around and put somebody else’s musty ass shirt on MY kid? Have you lost your mind?!!! They’d have to call the cops on me. I’d clown on the teacher and principal. I’d try to get that teacher fired.
LOL!! You clearly articulated what I was thinking, but stated it so much better!

Surely this could have been handled better initially. It didn't sound nice. Or compassionate. Or like it preserved the dignity of the child involved and possibly the parent(s). And I'd say the same thing if they were my letters.

Letters are outward symbols of teachings and values that are supposed to make us better people.
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