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Old 10-04-2002, 01:51 PM
OUlioness01 OUlioness01 is offline
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it went great! everyone was full of energy and the Rho Gams and WPA members loved our skit (as well as the potential members)! phimugirlie01 and i have the same rush does another one of our sisters. i really hope she'll be back tonight (i think she will). i've been running around all day trying to get ready for philanthropy night tonight since i'm the philanthropy chair/recruitment philanthropy day chair. i'm trying to remind the women coming through of our sisterhood and closeness as they are making their decisions on who to go back to for pref.
i keep hearing wonderful things about our chapter from so many people! my roommate's friend told her that she overheard two freshman talking about how we were so friendly and approachable! hopefully we'll get a lot of women.
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