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Old 10-22-2002, 02:35 PM
AchtungBaby80 AchtungBaby80 is offline
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I know I'm gonna get a lot of flak over this one, but I'm going to have to side with starang21. While I don't agree with *everything* he (I'm assuming you're a guy...right?) says, he's got a point. Everything is not all sunshine and roses. Why gloss over the truth? I'm not saying we should go around informing PNMs of their faults (like saying "You're too annoying, so we're not going to pledge you"; "You have a bad haircut, you talk too much, and besides, you smell, so you're not getting a bid") but many of them *will* get angry even if you do let them down politely. So instead of giving subtle hints like "These next COB events are invitation only," what's wrong with being honest and saying, "I'm really sorry, but you won't get a bid." Provided you *are* sorry, of course...if not, then just leave that part out.

I don't think this thread is "crappy" at all, because as I said, everything isn't peachy all the time and things like this do come up, and often (gasp!). We shouldn't ignore it.
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