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Old 10-30-2002, 07:29 PM
Angels&Arrows Angels&Arrows is offline
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Re: I didn't get cut but.....

Originally posted by DGWannabe
I went through informal rush in the spring. One sorority I knew nothing about and the other had two girls I went to highschool with. The third was a local.I did not rush the one where I knew girls b/c one of them was a girl I had Spanish with and she was dumber than bad reason to write off an entire group of girls but.......the other group had invited me to a frat party and we were all hanging out in the dorms drinking (underage!)and I had to go to the bathroom. While I was in the stall I heard some of the girls I was getting to know come in and they were talking about me!! They didn't know I was in there and THANK GOD they were saying nice stuff about me b/c I came out of the stall was like "Are ya'll talking about me" they were really embarrassed, but not that bad b/c the stuff they said was really flattering. But that could have really been a nightmare.
**And I know this is REALLY immature, but at the age of 18 hey what can I say: I refused to rush sororities that had really "girly" colors like pink or cutesy mascots like (please don't kill me I was 18) unicorns or bumblebees. I know now that a group is not its colors but at the time I really couldn't stand the thought of wearing pink and decorating my room with said mascots.You know how new members get tons of that stuff for gifts. I just couldn't bare it.....If I'd gone through formal rush, I would have suicided. I'm more mature now!
What GLO did you join?
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