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Old 11-19-2002, 12:46 PM
Posts: n/a
I warned yall this was going to be a slowly updated thread!

I'm not sure whether to be excited or disappointed......

I received a call last night from a member of the Milwaukee City Council for Beta. Turns out they have 6 chapters in the area! I expressed my suprise, and mentioned during the course of the conversation that I was thinking of starting a Nu Phi Mu chapter (even though I'm outside the age range, my understanding is that only a majority of the girls have to be of one degree to make that chapter be such?).

Her response was, well, why don't you want to join one of our chapters? and I didn't really know what to say. The youngest member of the area chapter, from the sounds of it, is in her 30s, with most of the members being of "a certain age" and she (the woman I talked to) said that they have functions only once every other month. She also repeatedly said "well, this isn't really a sorority" every time I would use that word. She also asked me why I wanted to start a chapter at a college, like college was a dirty word.

She invited me to a meeting tonight, which I can't make (and really, after that conversation, I don't think I would have gone anyway), and said that she would give out my name at the City Council meeting last night.

I don't know what to think. On one hand, I'm excited that there are chapters in the area after all, but disappointed that I'm so much younger than everyone else involved. I'm also concerned that I'm not going to get much support, if everyone thinks like her.

I don't know, I'm just fretting now. I'm afraid that she told the whole city council that "there's this girl out there who thinks we're a sorority and is trying to start a chapter at other schools, we don't want her around".

I'm thinking maybe I should just give up. I still don't feel well since my concussion over a month ago, and therefore haven't been able to make much progress. The few people I've been able to talk to have been uninterested or flat out negative. I've been really excited about this, but it just seems doomed.

Somebody give me some hope??
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