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Old 06-13-2003, 07:27 PM
chattychick999 chattychick999 is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Cedar City, UT
Posts: 29
Berkeley, anyone?

So here's the story:

One of my sisters moved to Cali for the summer, and she knows absolutely nobody when she shows up, right? And so she decides to try to hook up with some of the a-phis in the area, and the sisters at Berkeley totally take her in! She was telling me on the phone how much fun they are and how they are swapping ideas for fall rush and activities and everything. So instead of being lonely in a strange new place for the summer, she is having the time of her life!!! So if there's any sisters from Berkeley chapter, thanks for hooking my sister up! You guys are the greatest!!

Isn't it awesome to be an Alpha Phi???
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