Thread: To All PNMs
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Old 07-13-2003, 12:05 PM
PM_Mama00 PM_Mama00 is offline
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I would also like to add that I was shocked to read the threads on "should I buy this dress for rush" "should I get my nails done"?

Not all schools' recruitment is like this!

For example, if I saw a girl walk into our room with an expensive dress, hair all did, and perfectly manicure nails, I would think "Wow, that's great that she takes care of herself, but what about her personality?"

A great personality and being yourself goes far more over than looks how "money" you look. Take a look around at what the Greeks look like on an every day basis at school. Dress to impress but don't over do it.

This isn't to put down any other university's recruitment, I just do not want PNM's from other schools to be scared off by all these threads about spending money just to look picture perfect for recruitment.
Proud to be a Macon Magnolia!

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