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Old 07-22-2003, 02:34 PM
navane navane is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: San Diego, CA
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Originally posted by ZetaLuvBunny
Ask QUESTIONS (appropriate, of course). It is very impressive to meet a PNM who asks about sisterhood/social activities, leadership opportunities, scholarship programs, our philanthropy, etc.

It shows that this PNM is genuinely interested in finding out what makes each sorority unique. You might even ask about some of the pictures you see. i.e. "Where did your formal take place last year?"

It is also good when a PNM does research on each sorority at her school and later shows that she knows some about the sorority already. i.e. "Your philanthropy is _______ , isn't it?" or "Can you tell me more about your sisterhood events/retreats?"

Just as importantly: let the sister(s) actually answer you- don't ask a question and then interrupt.

Can I just share my experience with using this tactic?

IT WORKS. ZetaLuvBunny has got it right on the nose.

I went through informal recruitment when I was a junior. Though I had more than two years left 'til graduation, I was concerned that I might be looked down upon for my class standing. Plus, I admit it, I didn't know much about greek life at all. I wasn't even sure if I was "cool enough" to be in a sorority (LOL...looking back I realize how silly that was!). That's why I went to COB - to find out for myself.

Anyway, I felt that my grades, my extra curricular activities and my outgoing personality were in my favor, so I sucked it up and went to the information night. However, since I was concerned that the members might look at me funny for being an upperclassman, I really wanted to impress them. I thought "I'm not gonna let them put me on the spot! I'm going to read about each organization an arrive prepared to ask intelligent questions."

So, I did just that. I would walk up to each table, smile and make eye contact with the person who greeted me. I would then extend my hand and introduce myself in a clear voice and friendly manner. Sometimes I'd get the standard "What's your major?" and "Do you live on campus?" questions. Though, once I got an opportunity, I would bust out with one of my questions like, "Say, doesn't XYZ support such-and-such philanthropy? Can you tell me more about that?" Then, once they'd explained their philanthropy endeavours, I would make sure to say something back.

For example, instead of saying, "Oh, that's nice", I would reply, "Alzheimer's Disease? Wow, you know, my grandmother suffered from Alzheimer's Disease. It's so encouraging to know that people support families who are dealing with this condition. I could definitely see myself supporting that philanthropy."

I also paid attention! It was hard with all of the commotion and people talking all around...but it's crucial. At the table of another group, I noticed that the sorority's display featured what appeared to be the headshot of one of their (local chapter) sisters. I asked, "Is this one of your sisters? Is she an actress?" The rusher's eyes lit up as she told me about her sister and how she had been in such and such TV show. I replied by telling my rusher that I was an actress as well and had done some shows here and there, etc. My rusher was really excited and said that the actress member wasn't there that evening, but she was sure we'd get along great since we had things in common and wouldn't I just love to come along to another one of their COB events?

At each table I made it a point to:

a) ask at least one original sounding question


b) find something in common with every person I talked to.

It worked like a charm. The ladies seemed so happy to talk to me. Many of them looked really impressed with the questions I asked. At several houses I couldn't get away! They kept showing me around and introducing me to people - including a lot of chapter officers (which I suppose was a good sign?). At one house my rusher was so excited about something I said that she literally grabbed me by my wrist and started dragging me around the room to meet other members. heheh though, that kinda freaked me out. The next thing I knew, a bunch of people were jumping on me and hugging me.

Because I had said interesting things about myself, it helped them segway into introductions with other members. They'd be like, "Oh, Suzy Sororitymember, let me intoduce you to someone. This is Kelly. She was on the rowing team this year and is from San Diego just like you!"

So, by doing a little homework, PNMs can really help themselves out during recruitment, be it formal or informal. Now, mind you I didn't go around talking as if I had rehearsed my questions! No way! That would have sounded funny. I took this approach because it made me feel more confident about myself and my ability to put my best foot forward. At the end of the day, it was my confidence and showing interest which helped me get invited back to so many places.

Definitely listen to what these ladies on GC have to say, they know what they're talking about!


Last edited by navane; 07-22-2003 at 02:43 PM.
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