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Old 02-03-2004, 03:03 PM
ilovetheviolets ilovetheviolets is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 234
so i love formal rush and consider myself a pretty good rusher, all my rush crushes always end up being new members in my sorority, etc... so last week was formal rush, and i was on a roll. it was skit night, and these girls were both with out sisters. so i quickly went over to them to talk. this was my conversation with one of the girls.
me-"Hi! what did u think of the skit?"
PNM-"it was o.k.".
me-"Do you watch sex and the city" (our skit was that theme)
me"oh, it's great! you'll have to rent the tapes sometime. it takes place in nyc which is close to home for me, so i enjoy it. where do u call home?"
me-"very cool, my little is from there. do u like it?"
the conversation continued w/ one word replies and also mocking along the way. i felt horrible for the other girl who was there (who i tried to bring into the conversation). i finally saw one of my sisters walk by and grabbed her to bump me out of this. the party ended and i felt drained. i could not believe it...possibly the LONGEST 8 minutes of my life!! i was literally in shock. needless to say she was not invited back, but get this...she was not invited back to any other sorority on campus. that fact made me feel a whole lot better...nice to know it wasn't me.
Sigma Sigma Sigma
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