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Old 05-05-2004, 03:01 PM
KSUViolet06 KSUViolet06 is offline
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Re: ASPhi-Berkeley tries something new

Originally posted by hoosier

No member of Bowles Hall took the fraternity up on its offer, but five underclassmen from different dorms expressed an interest, and last Wednesday night they were made pledges. If all goes well, this week they will become full-fledged members.

Theo Widjaja, a fraternity brother said he had mixed feelings about the future members only having to pledge for a week, buy Lynas thought that was insignificant.

“We met them and kind of got a feeling that somehow they had that spark to carry on what we’re offering to them,” Lynas said.

Although they are offering easy membership, Lynas said the fraternity still has standards. “Despite how we’re appealing to people, we’re still selective of who we’ll allow to take over the house,” he said. “We don’t feel like we’re moving out and it’s going to nothing. We still have a few active members trying to rebuild it.”
Making them brothers in a week is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I know you want to keep your house, but these men don't know enough about ASPhi in a week to become the kind of members a struggling group needs to keep going.

I could never fathom even attempting to cram all this Sigma stuff in one week. Even in 2-3 months, it gets confusing. And the ritual isn't the same when you haven't had a chance to bond with the guys. It means nothing if you didn't have to wait and anticipate it. It's just a ceremony.
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