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Old 05-06-2004, 06:31 PM
AOII_LB93 AOII_LB93 is offline
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Re: Re: ASPhi-Berkeley tries something new

Originally posted by JocelynC
Making them brothers in a week is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I know you want to keep your house, but these men don't know enough about ASPhi in a week to become the kind of members a struggling group needs to keep going.

I could never fathom even attempting to cram all this Sigma stuff in one week. Even in 2-3 months, it gets confusing. And the ritual isn't the same when you haven't had a chance to bond with the guys. It means nothing if you didn't have to wait and anticipate it. It's just a ceremony.
There are many reasons that I could disagree with you, but I will choose just one. I wore letters the day of my bid day, does that mean I didn't appreciate them because I didn't know what they meant? No... I just appreciated them that much more when I went through intiation. To be honest, I didn't bond with anyone in my pledge class, and it wasn't because I didn't want to, they were just on a different level than me with their life/college career. I was a 17 year old freshman, they were all 19-20. Does that mean that I didn't appreciate them? No. Yeah, I bonded...with one girl in my pledge class, and the bulk of the active members. Just because a new member doesn't spend months learning information doesn't mean he or she doesn't appreciate the fraternity/sorority they are joining.

For many people Ritual changes as they change. It has meant something different to me every single time that I have experienced it. The feeling of sisterhood and brotherhood grows with the ritual, not necessarily with the new member period. I am close with women who are AOIIs that were initiated after me, and those who were initiated long before me, and those who were not a part of my chapter.

Also what it comes down to is that many chapters will do WHATEVER it takes not to close. Don't knock people for trying something that may just work for them for a while until they get re-established. What if a girl joined your pledge class more than half way through a new member period...does that make her less of a sister when she gets initiated? Doubtful.
Adam and Eve were lucky, neither had a mother-in-law.
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