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Old 07-09-2004, 12:43 PM
Lindz928 Lindz928 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 2,377
Last year, the night before skit night of rush there was an electrical fire in our chapter room.... So, the house had to be evacuated, and a fire truck came. Of course, our house is in the very middle of sorority row, so the girls from all the other houses start coming outside to see what's going on. The, 2 more fire trucks came.... Great! We didn't really freak out until we saw them taking the big huge fire hose INTO our house!

Well, it turned out that there was only a little hole in one wall by the light switch... less than a foot wide. So, maybe we didn't really need to freak out.

Oh, but the story gets better.......

After the fire trucks left, one of the younger girls started really freaking out, having an anxiety attack or something... She kept saying that the house was gone, and they were like, "You're sitting on the front porch!" So, then the fire trucks and an ambulence came AGAIN to take care of the girl!

So, yeah it was interesting. At least some of the other houses maybe got a laugh out of it, and it made for an interesting story for the PNMs the next day.
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