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Old 04-16-2005, 11:42 AM
preciousjeni preciousjeni is offline
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I don't know y'all. I suppose I'd be considered an "AI" (though I know TNX does things a little differently). While wearing my line jacket, I've been approached by quite a few older men - LOTS of Alpha Phi Alphas...where are they coming from? - wearing full out letters. They usually want to know what organization I'm part of.

I've also seen an AKA and more than a few DSTs, all older women, out with husbands and/or kids at the mall and sporting letters. For the most part, the letters seem to be on sweatshirts.

And, recently, I saw an older woman wearing the letters of a local sorority around here - the name escapes me at the moment - but she was definitely past her collegiate years.

I LOVE to see older people with letters on like WHAT?????? They're always so proud!
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