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Old 08-19-2011, 06:28 PM
JayhawkAOII JayhawkAOII is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: St Louis, MO
Posts: 227
It does get better.

I rushed in 1989 at the University of Kansas. After the first round of parties, I was only invited back to two chapters - AOII and AGD. I liked both, and I was a legacy at AOII, so I was happy. I was cut from rush completely after round 2. I was crushed. My sister was very angry. The chapter advisor called her very late at night, and told her that I was cut for grades. Now, my grades were ok, not fantastic, but above the panhellenic cut-off. I had good activities - I had spent the summer studying in the Soviet Union and I showed horses. When the Rho Chi knocked on my door the next morning, I was heartbroken. My sister called me not long after, told me she was sorry that her sisters did that to me, and said it would be ok. My mom sent me flowers.
On bid day, as everyone else was getting ready to go pick up their bids, I got a phone call in my dorm room. It was AOII asking if I wanted to accept a bid from them. I said yes immediately, but then it hit me. I wasn't good enough for you to go all the way through rush, but because you didn't get enough members, now I am? The pledge period was very hard for me. Suddenly, this chapter that I was in love with during the first days of rush was very different, and I wasn't sure if I liked it. I considered depledging, but thankfully, I had a pledge mom and fellow pledge sisters who really wanted me there.
I stuck it out. It got better - I served as an officer, went to convention, and eventually became a chapter advisor. I am not currently involved as an alumna due to life commitments, but I may be again at some point.
If you've made it this far, congratulations! Life doesn't end because you don't get your top choice or you don't get any choice. Things happen for a reason. I have amazing sisters who do amazing things, and if fate hadn't intervened, I would not have gotten to know them.
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