Thread: MRABA Appeals?
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Old 09-11-2020, 12:21 AM
anongreek anongreek is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2019
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Posts: 78
Id like to say this...
When I first went through Rush, I had my heart set on Chi Omega or Phi Mu, just because of what I had heard. I wanted no other house but those two. I wasn't really even slightly considering the other houses. But guess what? After day 1 of rush, I realized I needed to be more open-minded. While I love the girls in Chi-O and Phi Mu....(they loved me too)...rushed me really the end, they just weren't the house for me, which really broke my heart. There just wasn't the connection I was really hoping for, throughout rush. And while I was super disappointed (initially) because I had my heart set on them, and now it felt like they weren't clicking...above all else, I knew I wanted to be in a sorority...point, blank, period, and I was willing to go through the rush in all of it's entirety and then decide on which I felt I had the best chance at sisterhood with. And, I actually, last minute, threw in a wild card and chose AOII for pref night, who kept inviting me back, because I had a feeling. Guess what? I got called home to AOII on bid day, and it was the best decision ever...even though it was not the decision or idea that I had in my head initially.
All of the girls that I knew that re-rushed (not sure if that is the technical term) were low-key blackballed in the greek community and didn't even get a bid the second time around, or if they was from the only chapter that hadn't made quota and wanted to do informal as a last ditch effort. And 9/10 of them STILL ended up unhappy with their options. Word travels fast (especially if you attend a smaller campus) about those girls who refused to be satisfied with the sororities that chose to extend them a bid, that they gave a spot to when they very well could have given it to another girl. I can definitely say this. If you cancel your bid with this sorority and make a big stink over this MRABA appeal.....good luck at ever getting another bid extended a third time around. That would more than likely kill your chances. But, also, don't bother wasting the time of the girls in this sorority if you're just going to be ill that they weren't your first choice the whole time, and refuse to give them a chance. That won't win your any friends, either.
Because if you are being completely honest with yourself....did you even give any of these sororities you pledged to a chance? I mean, I know tons of girls who felt like they got shafted initially through rush, but gave their sisters a chance, and ended up happier than ever with the sisterhood that chose them. You shouldn't go into it with the blind and naive misconception that sisterhood is going to be some easy and magical thing right off the get go. It takes some effort and time for that relationship to really grow...just like any other relationship/ friendship. A girl in my sorority used to say "a bid gets you into the club... but what you get out of the club, depends on how much effort you're willing to put into it."
So, are you sure you've really even done that with either one?
Give the girls a chance. You don't always know what you want until it picks you. But, I can tell you that coming in with that kind of attitude....won't get you very far with your sisters.
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Last edited by anongreek; 09-11-2020 at 12:30 AM. Reason: added info
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