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Old 08-18-2009, 02:43 PM
WCsweet<3 WCsweet<3 is offline
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So maybe for me it's not the mother-in-law (however, she did sit me down and tell me in detail about all four of her conceptions, pregnancies and births while I was at her house, alone, in a town I didn't know... still have nightmares) it's the siblings. Somehow, I don't know how, the boyfriend is very different than his family. He is the protector and, more or less, doormat. No sister, you cannot be flown out to visit your friend on boyfriend's tab because while you are still living at home with no prospect of graduating college or moving out in the next couple of years, the boyfriend is currently renting and trying to get himself out of debt cause by you and your family (as well as stupid choices from the boyfriend). Also, brother when you buy a car off of someone, that means you make payments. Yes, that does include family members. I swear with four people living in a house, with three of them working, one would think that they wouldn't have to call on the son/brother who is trying to make it on his own for money.

One more thing to the sister, you know I don't agree with you so as you sit there talking about how you like to share your opinions because you like to make people uncomfortable, think of it this way, are we uncomfortable because of your opinions or because you sound like an idiot who can't figure out which is her right hand and which is her left. Not that differing opinions is bad, she just has really shaky foundations for them. Also she can't seem to walk 100 feet to a car so she makes the boyfriend drive to pick her up from the front of the store and house.

One more thing, while I would love for his parents to visit him/us, one would think they would check with us first before they began to make plans. As it is, that is my finals week and the boyfriend's busiest time at work throughout the entire year.

That felt good. I have a feeling there will be more later...

"Sisterhood is not about being popular, its about developing character, forming bonds, and self-discovery. If after four years you can hold you head high, then absolutely your sorority is "tops"." - H2oot
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