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Old 01-06-2008, 05:45 PM
xrachie xrachie is offline
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xrachie's MAYBE recruitment, spring 08!

Hey all!
Won't lie, I've been lurking around here for a couple of weeks, mainly because I am interested in greek life, but also because you guys are quite entertaining! I accidentally stumbled upon GreekChat and I really am glad that I did.
I'm still deciding about whether I want to go through formal recruitment this upcoming spring as a sophomore, and after reading all the recruitment threads, I'm leaning towards yes. Last year, I was in a really in a bad mindset as I was terribly unhappy at my school (whose name I would like to keep under wraps until I make my decision and/or finish rush) and was treating rush as basically a last resort. I wound up being cut from all the houses and it stung, I was really enjoying myself and I thought I really had made connections with some of the girls, but my grades were way low (a result of the miserable outlook - I was a bit of an overachiever in high school so low grades were totally foreign to me), I was lying through my teeth saying how happy I was at school because I thought that was what the sisters wanted to hear. I know now (thanks to a lot of you guys) that that was an AWFUL way to approach something that can really be a rewarding experience. In the two semesters since, I decided that I would see if rushing is really what I want to do, and in the mean time, make the most of my time in college; I've found a peace of mind at my school, gotten involved in some other organizations, pulled my grades up, and decided that greek life may still be for me. If it doesn't work out this time around, it may still sting, but I don't think it will feel like such an "end of the world" smack in the face.
That's really the long and short of where I am and I would love to share my second time around rush experience!

Happy New Year, by the way!

Last edited by xrachie; 01-06-2008 at 05:49 PM. Reason: grammar
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Old 01-06-2008, 05:48 PM
KSUViolet06 KSUViolet06 is offline
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Good for you for realizing all of those things that may have affected your recruitment experienc negatively.
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Old 01-06-2008, 06:46 PM
Deepher4Life Deepher4Life is offline
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i hope everything works out for you. keep us posted please!

you have spring formal recruitment right? and is your school competitive or not so much?
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Old 01-06-2008, 06:56 PM
violetpretty violetpretty is offline
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As long as you are prepared for the possible rejection, you have nothing to lose by participating in recruitment. Although you were cut by all chapters, if your GPA has improved since then, you will stand a better chance of receiving a bid. Good luck to you.
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Old 01-06-2008, 11:37 PM
xrachie xrachie is offline
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Thank you all, and Deepher, I'm actually not sure if we're competitive or not. I think certain houses are more competitive than others. And yes, it is spring formal recruitment, we're deferred so that's pretty much it.

Rush starts February 1, I believe, so I apologize for making y'all wait, I know you'll be on the edge of your seats for the next 3 weeks, waiting for my every update
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Old 01-07-2008, 01:16 AM
Thetagirl218 Thetagirl218 is offline
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Originally Posted by xrachie View Post
Rush starts February 1, I believe, so I apologize for making y'all wait, I know you'll be on the edge of your seats for the next 3 weeks, waiting for my every update
I for one, love a good recruitment story!!!! Please keep us updated!!!
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Old 01-24-2008, 10:50 PM
xrachie xrachie is offline
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Well, I am officially signed up for rush as of 5 minutes ago, I felt GC should be the first to know. I've gone back and forth the past 3 weeks, the last year, really, but I figure I don't have anything to lose, so I should just go for it! No turning back now!
I'm going to try my very, very hardest to put preconceived notions aside. Being here for a year and a half in addition to starting to rush last year, I have some lingering preferences, but I've changed in the past year. The houses I liked last year may seem entirely different to me now, so I am going in with the most open mind I can have. It should be noted that I've met girls from all of our houses outside of rush and at least one girl from every house was a sweet, kind, and all-around good person. I'm taking that as a good sign!
Now, the fun part!
We have 12 houses here. I have a really strange obsession with England and all things English and London is my favorite city in the world. I really hope I can call it my home one day. In honor of that, I chose different landmarks and attractions in the city to represent the houses.

Abbey Road
The London Eye
St. Paul's Cathedral
Covent Gardens
Westminster Abbey
Millennium Bridge
Tower of London
Piccadilly Circus
Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square
Big Ben
Tower Bridge

Just some candid, juicy details: In the back of my mind, I am rooting for Abbey Road and Piccadilly Circus (but I'm not focusing on them! promise!). I've loved every girl I've met from these houses. I've been told I'd fit in nicely at The London Eye and Covent Gardens, whose members ironically, I haven't met many of. The three "top" houses (in my opinion) are Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and St. Paul's Cathedral.

I should be receiving an email this week about a pre-rush meeting to meet our Rho Gammas and then Rush starts next friday night, February 1st! The next installment I suppose will be after the first meeting!
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Old 01-24-2008, 11:19 PM
LucyKKG LucyKKG is offline
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Old 01-24-2008, 11:36 PM
IlliniMeg IlliniMeg is offline
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Good for you!! I'm really impressed with your tenacity and decisions to make the most of your college experience, with or without participating in a sorority.

Good luck and I'm excited to read about your experiences!!
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Old 01-25-2008, 07:58 AM
FSUZeta FSUZeta is offline
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good luck ! i'm a britophile too!
I live in Fantasyland and I have waterfront property.
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Old 01-25-2008, 09:04 AM
violetpretty violetpretty is offline
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I'm cheering for Abbey Road and Big Ben!
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Old 01-25-2008, 10:58 AM
Scully Scully is offline
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Good for you - I'm glad you have settled in - and that your experience last year didn't deter you from recruitment again this year. Keep up the positive attitude! Best of luck!
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Old 02-02-2008, 07:49 PM
xrachie xrachie is offline
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OH man, the past two days have been nuts. Superfun and superexciting, but supernuts.
First round started last night and continued today with 5 last night (in really great weather. no seriously. sleety rainy snowy hail is awesome to schlep around campus in.) and 7 today. No use writing extra words, I'll just get right down to the visits!
Friday Night
Piccadilly Circus - First house of the night! I had to miss the pre-round meeting and the "kick off" ceremony due to some emergency circumstances, so I didn't have little name slips to give to each house or my name pin. When I walked in I told the girl who was collecting the slips and she jokingly said I wasn't allowed in and we both laughed. I like a good sense of humor so this was a kinda nice way to start the evening. I went in and had a pretty decent conversations with the girls. Nothing spectacular, but nothing awful. No awkward pauses or anything, I just wasn't thrilled.
Westminster Abbey - This house's greeting song will be stuck in my head for the rest of my life! They even had choreographed arm movements to go along with it. All three of the girls I spoke to were so easygoing and relaxed and the conversation really just flowed. I felt more comfortable than I expected I would - the house looks very museum like and pristine (and beautiful) so I expected I would walk in and feel cautious about even breathing the wrong way, but the girls really put me at ease and I had a great time.
Big Ben - This house was decorated for Valentine's day, it was so cute. It has lots of balloons with paper hearts that were handing from the balloon strings, it was like walking into love. This chapter is a bit smaller, though I know it's a pretty big organization on other campuses. Because of this, there were a lot of 2 PNMs to 1 sister, one of which I was a part of. The girls we spoke to kept talking about going out and one of them kept swearing. I laid low during the going out talk as I just didn't feel comfortable talking about that and I try to avoid cursing when I can. The other girls I spoke to, I just couldn't really conect with them, awkward pauses and smiling and nodding. Not my favorite.
Millenium Bridge - This was my surprise of the night. I know 2 girls in this house who are complete opposites of eachother. I also remember feeling really uncomfortable this house last year. While I shouldn't be thinking about last year, its kind of hard to avoid. But the girl I met at the door was the only girl I spoke to the whole time and it literally felt like I had known her for years. We had great conversation about music and Massachusetts (random, I know). Considering the two girls I know in this house (one of whom I'm friends with, the other was my next door neighbor last year) and this one, I can only come to the conclusion that the house is really diverse and I would like to see more!
Tower of London - Last house of the night and it ended of a pretty indifferent note. Another song that will never leave my brain, if nothing else. The girls were all really sweet, but I just couldn't see myself there, I don't think. Some of them were kind of shy and I'm more outgoing. A couple of them were more enthusiastic but, eh, I just didn't feel a sincere connection with them. I left the house to go back to my room thinking more about how stunned I was that I was actually happy at Millenium Bridge.

I have to go check flight times, how conveniently timed that I just finished typing this. ha. anyhoooo I'll update with today's as soon as this flight thing is taken care of.
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Old 02-02-2008, 11:04 PM
xrachie xrachie is offline
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flight home booked!
now, on with the houses!
Saturday, ie. today.

Abbey Road - Bright and early we started at this house where we stood for an excessively long amount of time. It was FREEZING as the house is up on a hill so the wind was nuts. Finally the singing started and we went in. Every girl I've met from this house I've loved so I had high expectations. The first girl I spoke to, the conversation was a bit stiff, but after that, all the girls were just so easy to talk to. I felt like I could really fit here. A few girls came over who somehow knew my name before I could introduce myself. They probably read my nametag, but it made me feel good anyway! Overall, I left really happy!
Tower Bridge - My experience at this house is proof that you really need to go into this thinking about whats best for you and not what everyone else is saying. I heard a lot of girls walking out of this house saying that the conversation was very one-sided and slow and awkward and I totally didn't have that experience at all! The girls were CRAZY spirited and played music for us to dance to before we got in the house. The girl I spoke to was the cutest girl and I loved talking to her. I spoke to her for most of the time until the very end where I spoke to another girl who wound up having to speak to me and the girl sitting next to me because the sister who was originally talking to the girl next to me accidentaly gave herself a paper cut and needed to go get a band-aid. But I totally liked this house and hope to see it again!
Covent Gardens - These girls were sooo sweet, there is honestly no other way to describe them. It was clear that they all really loved eachother and cared for one another and for their sisterhood. I think I could fit in here, but I don't know if I'm necessarily that peppy. I had some crazy conversation with a couple of the girls about getting jobs and apartments after college, even though we were all like WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS AUGH!, it was actually kind of funny. I really liked it here, don't know if its my favorite, though.
The London Eye - This house is fairly notorious for their cheering to be heard from blocks away, but I was underwhelmed. Even after that the girls I spoke to were a but underwhelming as well. The conversation didn't flow, I had to carry it with a couple of the girls I spoke to. One of them I was able to really talk to, but the others, not so much. I just left feeling like I had stated my major, hometown, job aspirations, residence, multiple times with very little else in between. I really liked their shirts and their theme though
Buckingham Palace - Let's just put it out there, that its quite the coincidence that this codename wound up being assigned to this house, because HOLY MOLY was their house GORGEOUS! Even the girls were gorgeous, I felt like I was walking into a J.Crew catalogue they were all so cute in their matching polos. While my conversations here were actually really great, I don't think I could be in this house, I just don't think I'm pretty enough, hahaha. One of the girls kept asking me about the houses I liked so far, so I tried my best not to name names and not say anything incriminating. These girls were also big on the cheering and the excitement, so I left happy but knowing that this one really wasn't for me.
Trafalgar Square - The first girl i spoke to wasn't very enthusiastic about much. She seemed to be just kind of...there. The next girl and I had a great conversation about Italy and event planning and then the next girl I talked to we talked about Perez Hilton, go figure. But I was comfortable with these girls, as I can talk about celebrity gossip and Europe for DAYS, they're two of my favorite subjects! This was another house I liked, but wasn't thrilled by.
St. Paul's Cathedral - I was surpised at how much energy these girls had, since it was nearly the end of the day. I was actually greeted by a girl I kinda sorta knew, as we had a class together last year. We bonded over some stories, as both of us kinda got ditched by friends for boyfriends. The next few girls are kind of a blur to me, as I was so tire I was pretty much delirious by this point. I remember liking them, but just thinking that I don't think we would ever actually click in real life. We were able to talk and laugh in this situation, but in any other, probably not so much.
THENNNN processing.
We could select 9 as our tops and 3 ranked. I had some trouble with mine, as I was debating about the placement of St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London and The London Eye. Eventually I did:

* Abbey Road
* Covent Gardens
* Piccadilly Circus
* Millenium Bridge
* Trafalgar Square
* Westminster Abbey
* Buckingham Palace
* Tower Bridge
* St. Paul's Cathedral

2. The London Eye
3. The Tower of London
4. Big Ben

I go get my list at 9:15 tomorrow morning and then have round two, the philanthropy round all day. Last year, house tours and philanthropy were switched, so that's kinda cool. This round I felt confident as I've done it before, but tomorrow will be a switch, since I'll be going in blind. It's the less formal of the two, which is kinda nice. I'll be wearing some khaki corrds and a nice top I got on Black Friday, most likely. This round was jeans and the tee-shirt they provided for us. I actually had to wear galloshes becuase it was so disgusting out. Luckily, my rain boots matched the shirt PERFECTLY. Tomorrow I don't know the shoe situation yet, I'll see how the ground looks. For now I'm going to find some food I think and get to bed!
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Old 02-03-2008, 12:07 AM
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Wishing you better recruitment weather, fantastic conversations turning into lifelong friendships, and the best of luck with your invitations, xrachie, from a fellow Anglophile! I just love your code names!
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