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Old 08-23-2007, 03:38 PM
AlphaFrog AlphaFrog is offline
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Originally Posted by luv n tpa View Post
I did preface that it wasn't necessarily going to be hysterical. Perhaps it came off mean, but the situation was more awkward than anything else. Personally, I felt uncomfortable and rather out of place to inform a girl about recruitment with a big smile and excited tone when it ended up not working out for her. With all of the stories of orgs giving girls nicknames based on crazy antics, it reminded me of how all of us came up with the same one, though not necessarily based on weird behavior.

My apologies to anyone who saw an update and was excited to laugh a little. I'll go hide in the corner now ...
I don't think your story was any better/worse than 80% of them in here. This isn't FUNNY rush stories (though a lot are), it's WEIRD rush stories...
I think all 4 sororities coming up with the same nickname qualifies as weird...
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Old 09-04-2007, 02:53 AM
twinkle555 twinkle555 is offline
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Ok, so I have a few...

Story #1!!

There was this PNM who had gone through last fall and didnt get a bid anywhere. she came through again this year and when someone pointed her out to me I couldnt believe she didnt get a bid anywhere. She was really pretty, looked friendly, and had an expensive sundress on (Lilly P.=$$) so i figured maybe she had a bad GPA or something.

Well, by day 3 i guess she was fed up with us and told one of my pledge sisters that "we better drop her before she drops us." she then went on to say that she "knew where she was going." well my pledge sis told the rush chair and she sent in one of the older sisters to "scope her out" and get info out of her. the girl would NOT talk to anyone..but the older sister eventually got her to talk and we found out later that her roomie was an ABC and that she was going to be in the same sorority as her roomie.

She was dropped by everyone before prefs.

Story #2!!

My little sis came through in the spring, so she is pretty unexperienced with the whole recruitment thing. Just so happens that she ends up preffing this cute girl (we'll call her Jane) that told my little that "she really didnt want to be in a sorority because she couldnt afford it." WHAT? seriously? but it gets funnier...

Jane goes on to say that "we had a really cute house and we were all really sweet girls, but she was just going through recruitment to kill time and make friends before school started."

Sooo yea..pretty strange.

gets EVEN funnier...

guess who ended up on our bid list??

yep, Jane.

and guess who didnt show up for bid day??

you guessed it, Jane.
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Old 09-05-2007, 02:19 PM
GtownGirl98 GtownGirl98 is offline
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twinkle... I don't think that story #2 was weird at all... we tell girls all the time to go through recruitment and try it out. It is a great way to meet people and see if greek life is for them. Plus with her telling the sister up front that she didn't have the funds was a big risk because that would be a BIG reason to release her if your chapter needed to do so.

Weird to me would the girl who switched name tags at pref, just to mess with the chapter, and lucky for the chapter the sister making the introductions had memorized all the names and the faces of the girls she was introducing that evening.
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Old 09-05-2007, 07:05 PM
sarasmile sarasmile is offline
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Originally Posted by GtownGirl98 View Post
twinkle... I don't think that story #2 was weird at all... we tell girls all the time to go through recruitment and try it out. It is a great way to meet people and see if greek life is for them. Plus with her telling the sister up front that she didn't have the funds was a big risk because that would be a BIG reason to release her if your chapter needed to do so.
The only bad thing about the story that twinkle told is that the details didn't come out until prefs...when the girl was already somewhere on the bid list. And she actually ended up matching, quite possibly taking a spot from a girl who really wanted to be there.

If she wanted to go through rush but knew she'd never be able to afford it or show up to bid day, she shouldn't have signed a bid card after prefs.
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Old 09-05-2007, 08:36 PM
twinkle555 twinkle555 is offline
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Originally Posted by GtownGirl98 View Post
twinkle... I don't think that story #2 was weird at all... we tell girls all the time to go through recruitment and try it out. It is a great way to meet people and see if greek life is for them. Plus with her telling the sister up front that she didn't have the funds was a big risk because that would be a BIG reason to release her if your chapter needed to do so.

Weird to me would the girl who switched name tags at pref, just to mess with the chapter, and lucky for the chapter the sister making the introductions had memorized all the names and the faces of the girls she was introducing that evening.
I just thought it was weird of her to put herself through the recruitment process to solely make friends in her Pi Chi group and NOT join a GLO. She woke up every morning at 7am (at least) and paid $65 maybe $75 just to register. Plus there is the heels!! i dunno..its just not the answer your expecting to hear during recruitment..especially during Prefs!! i also dont think its fair that she might have taken a bid from someone who actually wanted to be in a sorority.
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Old 09-05-2007, 11:45 PM
Regina Filangie Regina Filangie is offline
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There was thie one girl. She was my hometown (same as a lot of people at my school) and she came to a summer party for incoming freshman that was hosted by current students and alums. The subject of sororities and rushing came up and even though we all had to be neutral at that point we started talking about how great sorority life was and how we encouraged everyone to rush. One girl asked this incoming freshman girl, who had been kind of pitiful looking because she was lurking around not speaking to anyone, if she was rushing. She said "ugh, no way!" then walked away. This is a school in the south where greek life is very big so her comment was a definite glove slap!

So imagine our surprise when she registered for recruitment! She came on the first day wearing a baggy t-shirt and dirty jeans while all the other PNMs were in cute sundresses. She wouldn't talk to any of the actives when they tried to initiate conversation and she kept asking questions like "is it true that you have to sleep with 3 fraternity guys before you can initiate?" It was obvious that she was just trying to get a reaction out of the actives and that she wasn't really serious. But we were all just like "why are you even here?"

Cuts weren't made until the second round so the next day the PNMs attended all the houses again. She was paired with an active who is also from the same hometown and she is just the most genuinely nice person I've ever met. Againt the PNM is wearing a dirty t-shirt and jeans. The active starts making small talk and trying her hardest to engage this girl in conversation, and the PNM says "You don't have to be nice to me. I know you'll just talk s**t about me after I leave and after you cut me I'll never have to see any of you b***es again. I'm just rushing because my mom forced me." I guess her mom was standing right outside pushing her through the door of our house

Needless to say she was cut from every house after that round. When her Rho Chis (one of whom is in my house and a close friend of mine) went to her room to tell her that she had been released from recruitment she said "thank god!" and slammed the door in their face.

But then the weirdest thing was that she tried COB the next spring! My chapter wasn't doing it that year but some of my friends from the other chapters that did said that she came and didn't really say much and was clearly uncomfortable (I wonder why!) But I really do think she wanted to be in a sorority at that point. She had contacted a bunch of girls in her dorm, some of whom were in my house, about COB and apparently seemed dissapointed when she found out that only a couple of the chapters were taking spring members. Obviously she didn't get an informal bid anywhere. All the chapters remembered her and it was just a joke that she came back in the spring after she had been so rude to all of us during formal.

She ended up transferring to a school on the west coast and I always wondered if she tried recruitment at her new school where nobody knew her.

Last edited by Regina Filangie; 09-05-2007 at 11:48 PM.
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Old 09-06-2007, 12:12 AM
jwsteele jwsteele is offline
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The way that fraternity rush works on our campus is that every fraternity remains on the row the first day and hosts an event at their house (BBQ, Casino Night, Boxing, etc) so rushees can visit each house. We take names, pictures and phone numbers this day and vote on members after the event but we don't formally cut them, as many rushees may have had other favorite houses after the event and it would seem rude to formally cut somebody who was only out for five minutes. So we simply call the ones we voted to keep and do not call the ones we "cut", and usually the ones who were called come back and the ones who we do not call were called by other houses and go over there (we make formal "cut" phone calls after the second day up until bid night).

One guy, however, showed up to our second night off-campus event even though he did not receive a call. We had called some of the guys in his dorm who had all showed up and he found out about the event through them. We were fine with this because we hadn't formally cut him...this happens from time to time and the general consensus is is that he'll just be cut formally that night (or make a drastic 180 and we'd keep him, although this has never happened).

HOWEVER he went up to several actives and went on and on and on and on about how disorganized we had been...we had forgotten to call him even though we had called all his friends, etc. He called us out on this on numerous occassions and was making comments like, "You'll probably lose some of your best rushees because of this, you guys should be careful. I'm an organized guy so I think I could help your chapter revamp your rush skills A LOT next fall." It took all of our willpower to not either laugh or tell him that we hadn't called him on purpose. He was formally cut that night...we just couldn't believe he had the audacity to call us out on "our poor organizational skills" while still saying that we were his first choice...especially given the circumstances we had a big laugh that night. The first night we had thought he was a nice mannered guy but too awkward to really fit in with our chapter, but the second night we realized that he also had an uncomfortably confrontational streak in him.
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Old 09-06-2007, 10:31 AM
smiley21 smiley21 is offline
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Recruitment just started yesterday at Jacksonville University, but I already have a crazy story to tell. I am going to wait until bid day, because who knows how this story will end!
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Old 09-06-2007, 11:15 AM
UNCKKG UNCKKG is offline
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Bad conversations I had with rushees (as a sister)...

Me: Oh, you're a sophomore? Did you get involved with any activities last year?
Rushee #1: Drinking and boys (totally straighfaced!).

Me: So do you have any questions about Greek life?
Rushee #2: Which frat houses is it safest to pass out in?
Me: I'm sorry?
Rushee #2: You know, so I can go get drunk and not worry that they'll do anything to me while I sleep.
Me: There are some really nice guys in the houses here, but just for general safety reasons, I'm not sure I would tell you to go ahead and pass out in any of them.
Rushee #2: Oh come a little.

Me: Oh, I've been there! It's such a cute place...
Rushee #3: Hold on a second (looking over her shoulder at a girl walking by on the sidewalk)...Hi Lizzie! I haven't seen you in months!.....(THREE minutes later)....I'll call you... I'm in the middle of this rush thing, and I should get back to it. (To me): Sorry about that. I knew her in high school. She's really nice.
Me: I think that's the bell...
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Old 09-06-2007, 12:23 PM
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Me: So what do you think of Rush so far?
PNM: "Is this what is known as Hell Week"?
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Old 09-06-2007, 01:00 PM
twinkle555 twinkle555 is offline
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whoa these are pretty about awkward...
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Old 09-06-2007, 01:00 PM
twinkle555 twinkle555 is offline
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Originally Posted by Benzgirl View Post
Me: So what do you think of Rush so far?
PNM: "Is this what is known as Hell Week"?
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Old 09-06-2007, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Benzgirl View Post
Me: So what do you think of Rush so far?
PNM: "Is this what is known as Hell Week"?
...And sometimes it could be Hell Week!
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Old 09-06-2007, 03:59 PM
sageofages sageofages is offline
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Originally Posted by Benzgirl View Post
Me: So what do you think of Rush so far?
PNM: "Is this what is known as Hell Week"?

Depends on which side of the chapter door you are on.......
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Old 09-06-2007, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by sageofages View Post
Depends on which side of the chapter door you are on.......
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