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Old 06-20-2001, 03:27 PM
pirate pirate is offline
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Look I attend a state supported university in the north carolina system(east carolina university). I have a few questions about rush. First of all, I will be a sophomore this year when I rush. Will that severly hurt me. I tried to rush a sorority last spring but was falsely led to believe i was getting a bid but did not(This is informal so you only rush one house). I was crushed but ever since then I have longed to be in a sorority although I no longer know if they are the right house for me(I couldn't treat other girls like that). Even some of my friends in other sororities can't believe the way I was treated. I wanted to do formal fall rush but I am on a full merit scholarship and so my parents wanted me to wait and adjust to college life first. They both support my decision to rush especially my dad( a fraternity member himself). However, after a full year of college and a cumulative 4.0 I am ready if they will only accept me. Also, we only have one brief form to fill out and there is no mention of recs. I live in a small town and don't know anyone who can give me a rec. Will I be cut because of this? Finally, there is no suggestion of how to dress for rush for any of the 5 days. I would appreciate any advice you could offer me.
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Old 06-20-2001, 04:00 PM
PenguinTrax PenguinTrax is offline
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A 4.0 GPA will make you very desirable as a potential member. The sophomore standing shouldn't hurt you.

It's odd that during informal you could only go to one sorority. Was that because only one chapter was eligible to take new members or is there some campus rule about that?

Usually when you sign up for Recruitment, they will send you a letter/packet with suggested dress, etc.

I looked at the ECU Greek site and they have quite a bit of information, including the registration form for Recruitment. If you haven't already done so, visit:

I know there is a KD from ECU on these boards, I'll see if I can find her and ask her to reply.

I don't know how important letters of reference are at ECU. Again, according to NPC agreements, it is not the responsibility of the potential member to secure letters of reference. If you Dad is Greek, maybe the wives of some of his brothers were Greek and can write a letter for you.

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Old 06-20-2001, 10:58 PM
LexiKD LexiKD is offline
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OK, Pirate, let me say that I am sorry about the bad situation you found yourself in, life is crazy sometimes. Just remeber that about that chapter and don't be scared of them during Fall Recruiment!

Well, ECU is a small but serious Recruitment. We have 9 NPC groups and about 150-200 Potential New Members. EVERY chapter has a distinct personality. Your year in school will not hinder you, if you were a Junior I would say different, but you have another 3-4 years to give to the chapter! Many PNMs will be in their second year.

You will have a Recruitment book in the mail after to register, it will have details about attire. I would get a reference, if possible, I think it is always a good thing! If you are intrested in a certain NPC group you may be able to contact their HQ and see if they have a rec chair in your can run some names by her and see if any of your family friends are in that group and you didn't know. Or just ask around your parents friends, they may know someone.

Clothes will be mainly smart casual, but you will see the whole spectrum, from last years prom dress to jeans! But I would do cute capris/sweater classic,polished,and trendy. I wouldn't do "going out clothes".
Skit day will involve sitting, wear capris or a long skirt, they don't need that much about you! PREF will require a nice dress, like church attire...think cool and comfy, it will be hot!

I wish you luck, BUT be sure not to be discouraged if you ask a present member of a chapter, they will be tight lipped, they are not supposed to talk recruitment with a PNM, but I'm an alumnae...hehehe, that's another perk of graduating!

Check out the Panhellenic Webpage, email Cole the Recruiment director, she has all the info you need~ALSO, Oreintation has a whole GREEK Presentation, go to it!

I will be at Recruitment, find me after Bid Day! GOOD LUCK!


[This message has been edited by ecukd (edited June 21, 2001).]
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Old 06-20-2001, 11:21 PM
PiPhiAlum PiPhiAlum is offline
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Originally posted by Wine&Blue:
I'll tell you why. Because she's a Pi Phi!!!!

Thank you Wine&Blue

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Old 06-23-2001, 05:54 AM
SLOTheta SLOTheta is offline
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Originally posted by pirate:
I have a few questions about rush. First of all, I will be a sophomore this year when I rush. Will that severly hurt me. I tried to rush a sorority last spring but was falsely led to believe i was getting a bid but did not(This is informal so you only rush one house). I was crushed but ever since then I have longed to be in a sorority although I no longer know if they are the right house for me(I couldn't treat other girls like that). Even some of my friends in other sororities can't believe the way I was treated. I wanted to do formal fall rush but I am on a full merit scholarship and so my parents wanted me to wait and adjust to college life first. They both support my decision to rush especially my dad( a fraternity member himself). However, after a full year of college and a cumulative 4.0 I am ready if they will only accept me. Also, we only have one brief form to fill out and there is no mention of recs. I live in a small town and don't know anyone who can give me a rec. Will I be cut because of this? Finally, there is no suggestion of how to dress for rush for any of the 5 days. I would appreciate any advice you could offer me.
I know what you are going through. I went through an informal rush, and was led to believe I was going ot get a bid, but out of 60 girls who rushed, and 16 preffed, I was one of those, only 5 got bids, I was very hurt...I came back for Formal Rush the following year, and realized that that house wasn't the house for me, and joined Theta. I couldn't have made a better choice. It's never too late too rush, if a house wants you, they want you for who YOU are, and if they want the young girls only because they can pay longer, you don't want to be a part of their house.

As for clothing, I would wear skirts with twin sets, or simple dresses. It's always better to look classic and stylish.

Good Luck!
If you have any questions, please e-mail me: I know what you are going through! =)

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Old 06-26-2001, 04:30 PM
magnoliagrl magnoliagrl is offline
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I read your post and about fell over because you sound just like me!! I am going to be a soph transfer at UNC-Chapel Hill and I also went through rush last year, but had a negative experience. The academic thing also sounds like me, but I only had a 3.8 last year compared to your 4.0..haha! Way to go! My parents will probably go nuts if I tell them I am thinking of going through rush again because it really wore me down last year. I was reading the UNC Greek site and they don't really go into detail about attire either, but I guess I have to actually make the choice of whether to go through it..ughh..

I would love to hear what you decide to do this fall!
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Old 06-27-2001, 12:03 AM
AlphaSigLana AlphaSigLana is offline
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I wish i would have known this before rush last fall. It would have helped me a lot. A few times I wore jeans- we were allowed to because we were going to do a lot of walking. But it is hard to afford name brand stuff- no I don't shop at K-Mart, but I do pay for all my own stuff. In God's eyes it doesn't matter what we wear. Our clothes are just a facade.
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Old 07-15-2001, 11:23 PM
Zimagirl00 Zimagirl00 is offline
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I have a bit of advice for rushees...If you know that you do not want to be in a certain that is know that they are not for you and thats cool and all...but please continue to be nice and converse with the girls that are rushing you....we are just as nervous, TRUST ME! Some rushees just blow off rushers and are like whatever..I wanna be XYZ and I that is all I want and...they are just plain don't have to blow off other houses just because you are afraid of getting a bid..if you keep getting asked back to proud cause alot of girls see a future sister in you...I got called back to the maximum # of houses each day and I went in to each house and acted the same....everyone deserves respect and a fair shot...Good Luck to everyone! AOII Georgia Southern University

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Old 07-16-2001, 01:30 PM
ilovemyglo ilovemyglo is offline
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I agree with Zima Girl. A girl came to our preference party and was so rude to one of my sisters. It was so inappropriate. She said "I know I am going to be an XYZ, so please don't put on your bid list, I just had to go to another party." I mean that was uncalled for. Bid day came and she didn't get into XYZ and since she was so rude to my sister we didn't even invite her to our informal rush later. Don't think it can't come back on you. Also don't talk about XYZ. I may have some close friends in there that i may tell what you say. Don't parade around and tell everyone you know you are getting a bid from XYZ because they may get a phone call telling them what you say. I hate when a girl assumes we are extending her a bid. Don't expect it unless you have it in your hands. Not to sound harsh but ithappens every year.. there is a rushee that just ruins rush for us because she won't let us have fun!!!

"...and love her for her womanhood."
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Old 07-26-2001, 01:51 AM
wishinhopin wishinhopin is offline
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Ok girls, a couple questions I need some help with! One, the rush at my school is also super informal. I rushed second semester in my frosh year and didn't get into the only house that really mattered to me, and I was crushed. Is it totally lame to rush again? I know that this house is the right place for me, but I think I just didn't get enough time to display that. One of the girls I talked to told me that not enough of the sisters felt like they had gotten to know me well enough. The thing is, there's no formal process where the girls come around and meet you. You're just sorta expected to go through at each event and introduce yourself to everyone and make them know you. And I don't even know what a Rho Chi is, so I don't think I have one that I can go to for help! I'm totally freakin about this entire process. Any suggestions or thoughts?
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Old 07-26-2001, 08:46 PM
AXOprincess AXOprincess is offline
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Ok where do you go to school? i know I ask this in when ever I try to reply, only so if there is someone at the school, who can help. I had a problem sort of like this. I knew i wanted to rush, but I have a problem. I am super shy until i get to meet people. Then you cant shut me up, i will keep talking. the first set i kept telling the girls was that. I did get invited back to the next night and i felt really comfortable with the girls i was with. I was my self, and i might not of met all the girls but those i did i tried to make a strong impression. Just be your self. If you see an active during a rush party and you havent met her yet, turn around and say i dont believe i have met you yet, im ___. this will show that girl that you are outgoing. If you dont get to meet all the girls you will have made a strong impression on those that you have.

i believe everything happens for a reason. i always thought i would join my moms house, but i didnt. It wasnt for me. i thought i so belong here and will fit in great. even though some of the girls in the house are my friends it turns out it was for the best. i love my house now and feel that i wouldnt have beed perfect for the other house, im perfect for this one.

If you have any questions feel free to email me.

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Old 07-31-2001, 04:10 PM
Liv4ChiO Liv4ChiO is offline
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Originally posted by wishinhopin:
Ok girls, a couple questions I need some help with! One, the rush at my school is also super informal. I rushed second semester in my frosh year and didn't get into the only house that really mattered to me, and I was crushed. Is it totally lame to rush again? I know that this house is the right place for me, but I think I just didn't get enough time to display that. One of the girls I talked to told me that not enough of the sisters felt like they had gotten to know me well enough. The thing is, there's no formal process where the girls come around and meet you. You're just sorta expected to go through at each event and introduce yourself to everyone and make them know you. And I don't even know what a Rho Chi is, so I don't think I have one that I can go to for help! I'm totally freakin about this entire process. Any suggestions or thoughts?
Okay, first of all, are you sure? If you definitely want to join this house, then it's time for some major campaigning. I'm going to assume you're not in the South, from the tone of your post, so if you are, this might not be all that relevant.

First, no it's not lame to rush again. If you want to be in that house, then go for it. Especially if the reason they cut you is that they didn't know you well enough. This means that
a)they don't have a reason (at least they're not saying) to DISlike you
b)they were probably interested in getting to know you

Now, things to do to prepare. When is your rush? If it's in the fall, then some of these ideas might not work.

First, get to know the girls outside of the house. Find out where they hang out, which frat they mix with, what their philanthropy is, etc. Then participate in these things. Yes, this is shallow and a little dirty, but sometimes that's what it takes. Meet them (don't make it obvious your thinking of rushing again), and try to befriend a couple. If you can, somehow mention your concern about rush, meeting people during parties, etc. They will probably offer to take you around. If not, at least you have a couple people who you know already at the house. Meet their frat. Get them to drop hints "oh i just met rhonda rushee and she likes your house, and she's cool etc etc". Get involved w/ their philanthropy. This gives you an opportunity to meet them outside of rush.


talk to a certain number of girls a night. The more people you make a good impression on, the more people you'll have pulling for you during selection.
Talk a few of the same girls every night. If they're saying they don't know you well enough, make sure they do. Try and remember what you talked about already, and move on. Remeber their names, and talk about the other girls in the house "well, i was just talking to jenny about this yesterday and..."
Sit somewhere accessible. This sounds weird, but if you're stuck in the corner of the room, fewer people will come and talk to you. Walk around if your not talking to anyone and sit with a large group.

And relax. They'll realize that you're rushing a second time, and that your interested in them.

good luck!

Oh, and a Rho Chi (PX) is a rush counsellor, someone who leads you through formal rush etc. If yours is informal, they might not have them.

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Old 07-31-2001, 06:43 PM
wishinhopin wishinhopin is offline
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I just wanted to say thanks for the helpful advice. I think I just needed someone with some authority on the subject to let me know that I could do it. I will definitely keep people posted about how things go!
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Old 06-24-2002, 11:52 PM
carnation carnation is offline
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Old 06-28-2002, 06:06 PM
ROWDYsister ROWDYsister is offline
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Just a little comment on the small uproar over whether to look for girls that are just like you or girls that you aspire to be can look for both! Ever notice that you have a lot in common with your best friends but you also admire many things about them? That's why they're your best friends!

The issue should be not be about thinking about which sorority to join and which letters to wear, but WHO YOU WANT AS YOUR SISTERS. You're going to be spending a lot of time with them, and after your college years you're still going to have this unbreakable bond with them for the rest of your life.

Ideally, when you are deciding how to rank your choices on your bid card, there will be that house where you just clicked with the girls and want to be a part of their world. They are the girls you can see yourself having fun with, trusting with your innermost secrets, learning something from, leaning on for support, and who you feel can best help you achieve your goals in college and in life and help you become the person you want to be.

You know how you say sometimes, "I love my relatives, but I didn't pick them?" Now you are given the opportunity to choose your sisters! This is the time to put on your brightest smile and when everything is said and done, hopefully you'll all be smiling together on Bid Day!
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