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Old 08-06-2002, 11:15 AM
AlphaSigLana AlphaSigLana is offline
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Funny reasons you may have been cut

We always talk about what houses we would be in if we weren't in XYZ and funny rush stories, but we never hear from the rushees why they might have been cut. I don't want this to be a negative thread, so don't come on and say you were cut bc they were mean.
example of my reasons: i think DZ cut me because I gulped my drink bc I was so thirsty whereas everyone else sipped theres.
I told my rho chi that one house didn't seem to like me, but that's ok I didn't like them--oops she was in that house.
I hope you get the idea of the thread and like it. I just thought it could provide laughs instead of hurt that being cut can do! If you disagreee I will erase this topic.
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Old 08-06-2002, 11:46 AM
PsychTau PsychTau is offline
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Red face I can't believe I'm telling this. . .

When I rushed, we had 4 days of parties, and noone was cut until it was Pref day. On the 1st day, it was called Informational Parties, where you go for 30 mins to each group to get the basic info (dues, etc). The dress listed on the schedule was "Casual". WELLL......

My roommate and I were at another meeting (we were in Band) and barely made it to the beginning of rush on time. We were both in T-shirts and shorts. When we arrived, EVERYONE else was in SUNDRESSES!!!!! (to me, that is NOT "casual"!!!) Anyway, we went thru all 4 parties that way. Although there were no cuts that night, I could definitely tell that I was, um, "dismissed" by one of the sororities who always appeared to have the more wealthier sisters (dressed nice, new cars, etc). I pretty much got cold shouldered for the rest of the week (and wasn't invited to pref).

It all worked out though, because I really learned where I was accepted for me, faults and all. . . AST!! (And next year they added an extra day to rush where all the PMN's met with Rho Chi's to learn all about rush BEFORE it happened. I don't think that was by accident!!! )

As far as this thread. . .I think it's a great idea. We are the ones responsible for whether or not it becomes negative. If you don't want it to be negative, don't post anything negative!!!! (And like me, you can choose not to reveal the groups that cut you, especially if you think it was for a petty reason)
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Old 08-06-2002, 12:04 PM
MVP4GPB MVP4GPB is offline
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One of my sisters once told me that while she was at a rush party at Theta, she asked the girl she was talking to what the sisters' nametags were supposed to be, only to be met with the reply "Um, that's a Theta." She hadn't recognized the Greek letter, and has always thought since then that that was why she was released!

This is a little off topic, but I was talking to a PNM last year who was my total Rush Crush, and she made a comment about how she had been nervous about her freshman roommate because she "didn't want to get stuck with some britney spears fan." Everyone in my chapter knows I'm a TOTAL Britney lover and usually would have been offended, but she was so awesome that I let that one slide She was my pref baby and is now a sister, and I still joke around with her that I should have dropped her for that comment-- as if I would have! She rocks!

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Old 08-06-2002, 12:09 PM
APhi APhi is offline
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I have a kinda funny rush story along those lines. You know how everyone asks the same questions and gives the same answers for the first couple of days... Where are you from? What's your major? Where do you live? Whose your roomate? Well, a girl at one house was apparently attempting to be original and she asked me how my dog was doing! Original question but unfortunately I didn't even have a dog at the time.

Anyway, next party I went to I started telling this girl about what had happened at the last house and how strange I thought that was. Naturally, ripping on another house didn't exactly endear me to that one. Heading into round three I cut the first house and the second house cut me. Oh well, it's kinda funny now.
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Old 08-06-2002, 12:10 PM
maggieaxid maggieaxid is offline
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I was at one party at the predominantly christian sorority (even though it's NPC they are extremely religous group of girls) and the girl who was taking me around said that "Jesus would lead me to where i needed to be", i then rolled my eyes. Guess she didn't like that too much. i wasn't invited back! oh well!

one other house i was cut from, i think the fact that i told the girl who was taking me around that i was petrified of snakes and anything to do with snakes (sorry all you sk's) and she gave me a really dirty look when i said that...i was oblivious that that was their local/national symbol. i thought their symbol was just a dove! but duh, they had snakes around their house!

but i found where i wanted to be the most! with all my alpha xi's!
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Old 08-06-2002, 12:15 PM
anniesigkap anniesigkap is offline
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At one of the parties I think it was the second round I made the comment (not thinking) "You look just like my grandma" 2 seconds after I meet her, because I was caught off guard that they looked so alike. After I said it I felt terrible and tried to explain that she does (not kindding) look just like my grandma when she was her age, they even have the same name (again I'm not kidding). Needless to say she was not happy and not as sweet as Grandma, which is great because that was one of my least favorite houses.

It makes for a funny workshop story though when we go over stuff NOT to say! (i.e. think before you blurt out something stupid)
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Old 08-06-2002, 01:04 PM
AlphaSigLana AlphaSigLana is offline
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before I rushed this guy asked me which house I wanted to join--knowing nothing about greek letters I said ." I want to join the AZ house." He said,"Huh?" I said see that white house over there..." " Um that's Delta Zeta -- don't you know the Greek letter for D?" OOPS!! Oh well at least I knew the houses before I rushed.
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Old 08-06-2002, 01:33 PM
dggirly dggirly is offline
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Well, I didn't get cut from any houses when i went through rush, but I do have a funny story about a girl I cut who was rushing. I was house touring this girl and the whole time she was sucking on a lollipop. I didn't have a problem with the fact she had a lollipop with her until she started licking it in um lets say "sexual ways". It really kind of freaked me out even more so when she started to tell me about her oral fixation and why sour apple lollipops where the best. It turns out that she had done this same thing at at least 1 other house because after rush ended my really good friend who is a alpha phi asked me if I met the girl with the lollipop. I guess they got the same impression of her that I did. I kind fo wonder is she realizes that is why both our houses cut her?
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Old 08-06-2002, 02:15 PM
phisigsigchic phisigsigchic is offline
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Hey MVP4GPB I am a HUGE Britney fan too!! Yea everyone I know makes fun of me. Wow thats a funny story. I can't wait to see what happens in the fall during rush. I know a girl will say something like: "I hate all those lil teeney bopper I love britney princesses" or something to that extent and I will be like hmmm thats nice (your cut)! LOL. Nah I would do the same as you. Wow you like britney and your from NJ (i saw your post on the the thread I started) just like me!! plus your a gamma phi beta my other fave sorority next to my own (they live next door to us).
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Old 08-06-2002, 02:16 PM
Carrie7777 Carrie7777 is offline
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This is a good idea for a thread. Mine isn't that bad, and I don't even know if this is why the group cut me, but I was at ABC sorority and the girl was taking me around the house and we went into the t.v. room. She commented on how her favorite show was friends and asked me what mine was. Without really thinking I gave my honest answer. "Buffy the Vampire slayer." As soon as I said it I was like WTF? I mean it is a weird show and she probably thought I was a weirdo for watching it. I swear that at least factored into them cutting me.
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Old 08-06-2002, 02:21 PM
dzandiloo dzandiloo is offline
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I have the dubious distinction of being one of only 3 or 4 women not invited back by ASA to pref night, when they participated in formal rush for the first time at my school. I really have no clue at all why I was cut...I have a decent personality (IMHO), my highschool grades were good, I have a neat appearance, and was pretty involved in extra-curriculars. The only thing I can think of, is that the day Panhellenic took our pictures for rush, I wore these trousers that had pink and green roses all over them (it was the '80s--perfectly acceptable then!). Kind of embarrassing to be one of the only people not to get invited back to all 3 chapters for Pref night, but that's OK....I already knew where I wanted to be!
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Old 08-06-2002, 02:59 PM
MsVixen MsVixen is offline
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one house..

i think that i might have been cut from a house when i said that my face was sore from smiling all day.. it was one of the last houses i visited that day (the first day, so i had visited quite a few houses) and i had been smiling (having fun meeting people) all day... i think she got mad at me
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Old 08-06-2002, 03:38 PM
DRau DRau is offline
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My first name is Delia, and when I went through rush the dELIA*S catalog had just become the big thing on the West Coast. At EVERY chapter (even Alpha Phi), whenever I was introduced to a girl her immediate response was 'Oh Like the catalog?!?'. I had this name long before the catalog dammit! Anyway, it started wearing on my nerves and finally, at the last party on this particular day, some unsuspecting women used this line and I snapped -

"YES Like the catalog, SHEESH already!"
I guess I said it a little too loud and with too much attitude because all the women around me stopped talking to look at me and the person I was talking to got this horrified look on her face. I wanted to get out of there ASAP. Didn't have to think twice about that - they dropped me that round!

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Old 08-06-2002, 04:05 PM
maggieaxid maggieaxid is offline
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DRau-- similar to your name is maggie, i am from springfield....somehow people put those two things together and say things like "oh like the simpsons". So by the end of rush they were all calling me maggie simpson...and thought my last name was really simpson. i dont even like the simpsons!!!
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Old 08-06-2002, 04:09 PM
DRau DRau is offline
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Originally posted by maggieaxid
DRau-- similar to your name is maggie, i am from springfield....somehow people put those two things together and say things like "oh like the simpsons". So by the end of rush they were all calling me maggie simpson...and thought my last name was really simpson. i dont even like the simpsons!!!
LOL Didn't you just want to slap the next person that said it !?!
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