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Old 08-11-2002, 08:32 PM
AXOMarq AXOMarq is offline
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I wanted to be in Pi Phi ever since the summer before school started because I talked to an active from an Illinois chapter. Well, recruitment was after Christmas break and I narrowed it down to AXO and Pi Phi and on Pref night I was talking to some girl at Pi Phi about our families. This was a point in my life when I started remembering a lot of painful memories and (finally) putting two and two together. So I started talking about how my brother was when I was little (I guess it was good I was comfortable talking about this to strangers... maybe I just needed to get it out to anyone, no matter who) but in all my rage about one stupid/funny incident I called my brother a dick and all of a sudden I felt so out of place. I never found out if they were going to offer me a bid but because I went to AXO and felt so at home there. I'm glad I ended up where I did, but I still wonder how bad of an impression I made on that active.
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Old 08-13-2002, 02:10 PM
OUlioness01 OUlioness01 is offline
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i had a break on skit night (i wasn't scheduled to be at a house for about 45 min) so I went back to my dorm and wathced Friends. it was the episode where they found out who the father of rachel's baby was, and i was soooooo excited after i saw it that at the DZ house (the house i went to immediately afterwards) it was all i could talk about. It turns out that the DZ i was talking to was a huge Friends fan and did not even want a hint of what happened. i think i reavealed a little too much about it, and I could tell that i ruined it for her. i was not asked back the next day, and i think that may have had something to do with it.
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Old 08-16-2002, 03:51 PM
xo_kathy xo_kathy is offline
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This isn't about me being cut, but it's funny and in the vein...

I was rush chair at my house and PanHel rules were very strict. No rushee could set foot outside of a chapter house with ANYTHING! So I manned the doors at the end of every party to make sure, but there was never a problem...UNTIL

As this one rushee was leaving she had a handful of candy mints. I tried to tell her she couldn't leave with them (Rho Chis are at the door, too, "policing"), but she didn't get it. I actually had to step out the door and block it so she wouldn't leave. But she wanted them so much she stood there and stuffed them all in her mouth at once!!! We called her Mint Girl for the rest of Rush! But she was at our Pref, so we obviously didn't mind it that much! She went another house, though...

Chi Omega - Western Mich. Univ.
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Old 10-30-2002, 01:24 PM
UF56 UF56 is offline
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What GLO are you a member of and where?

PS- Love your name
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Old 10-30-2002, 02:10 PM
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My own faux pas:

We had half-hour Open Houses, and I was at the 10th of 11 houses. The last 3 houses had given brown paper bags & crayons to the rushees to decorate as puppets for a philanthropic project. I was burned out, and frankly, thought that it was a silly project to begin with, let alone the third time. So, when the 9th floor sister rushing me handing me a bag & crayons, I politely declined, saying, "I thought it would be refreshing to get to know each other instead." Obviously, she disagreed, because I wasn't invited back.

Our rush was very long - a month! When a rushee friend of mine commented to me at a different GLO's party that "is this the most boring party you've ever endured?" I giggled - and a sister overheard. Oops.

All ended up well, though, since I had decided on Day One that my real home was with ADPi!

~ *~"ADPi"~*~
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Last edited by honeychile; 07-23-2006 at 10:49 PM.
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Old 10-30-2002, 04:02 PM
Xi AOPi Xi AOPi is offline
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There was this one PNM who came to our house on the first day. We had rose petals out with some of our displays and this girl asked one of our activies if she had ever tasted a rose petal. Then she proceeded to pick up a rose petal, taste it, and then put it back on our table. If that's not odd, what is? Anyways, after that day we didn't see her again!
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Old 10-30-2002, 04:26 PM
tinydancer tinydancer is offline
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Not my own personal story, but my roomie cut one house because the active rushing her spent the entire party telling my friend how to make a rhubarb pie!

She ended up going Alpha Gam and was very happy (and no cooking lessons)
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Old 10-30-2002, 05:08 PM
AXJules AXJules is offline
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Oh the horror stories I could tell from Rush I have way too many but I"ll just tell a couple now.
When I went through Rush, I had the stomach flu. I felt like sh$% and after the 6th house (there were 13) I was like, OMG get me out of here. I was at a very "rich & snobby" house who kept asking me what my dad did and where we usually went on vacation. Finally, I snapped, "Do you want to know how many houses my daddy has, too?!" The girl got all pissed off and was like, I'm gonna go get you some water.....I wasn't too suprised when I wasn't invited back.

But definitely the other side of Rush has given me stories I'll tell for the rest of my life. My soph year, there was a girl who was like, I luv AX so much, I really really wanna be your sister, you are like the coolest person I've met today, etc....can I go to the bathroom??" A Rho Chi took her to the bathroom, and she CLIMBED OUT OF A WINDOW AND RAN ACROSS OUR LAWN!! She told her PX later that she felt 'freaked out by our wallpaper'. Ohhhh kayyyyyy..........

I also had a girl tell me that unless AX could help further her belly dancing career, she just didn't feel right joining. I didn't really see where we could help her out with that.
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Old 10-30-2002, 05:59 PM
GeekyPenguin GeekyPenguin is offline
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Re: I was cut because....

Originally posted by GPhiBLtColonel was the mid 1970's, Vietnam was ending and I was in ROTC at Southern Cal! I did not say anything about it voluntarily as I knew many students at that time were anti-war & anti military...but at one house, the gal whose turn it was to chat with me kept pressing about what had I done over the summer, blah blah blah and I had been vague about having been out of town and then I admitted I was camping and she kept going on about camps and being a counselor and all that stuff and she finally asked what kind of camp I had been to and I just could not beat around the bush any more and I told her: "It was ROTC summer camp, we marched in formation, shot guns, did survival techniques, flew in airplanes & helicopters, and stuff like that..." The horrified gasp that emitted from her mouth and the look of scorn on her face told me that I would be dropped ASAP from that house and of course I was! Oh well, I ended up in the BEST sorority anyways & the one I really wanted all along -- The Gamma Phis could have cared less that I was in ROTC, in fact they were proud of me -- women made up less than 1% of all cadets in ROTC at that time at it showed that I had leadership & organization skills plus, I was also pretty involved at USC (I did not rush as a Freshman) -- I was on swim team and in the official University Hostess club, I worked at the bookstore and was a Flag Girl in the fantastic Trojan Marching band (of course, many thought of THAT as another geeky thing about me --LOL!) I retired in 1998 after a 22 year Air Force career -- I am very heavily involved with Gamma Phi Beta and always will be!
My online mom rules! I too did not get cut, because I only rushed Gamma Phi Beta. I'm glad I rushed as a sophomore because my freshman year we had formal recruitment and at the time I think I might hae dropped my house and been in one of the (hazing) locals that were recruiting me hard.
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Old 10-30-2002, 07:29 PM
Angels&Arrows Angels&Arrows is offline
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Re: I didn't get cut but.....

Originally posted by DGWannabe
I went through informal rush in the spring. One sorority I knew nothing about and the other had two girls I went to highschool with. The third was a local.I did not rush the one where I knew girls b/c one of them was a girl I had Spanish with and she was dumber than bad reason to write off an entire group of girls but.......the other group had invited me to a frat party and we were all hanging out in the dorms drinking (underage!)and I had to go to the bathroom. While I was in the stall I heard some of the girls I was getting to know come in and they were talking about me!! They didn't know I was in there and THANK GOD they were saying nice stuff about me b/c I came out of the stall was like "Are ya'll talking about me" they were really embarrassed, but not that bad b/c the stuff they said was really flattering. But that could have really been a nightmare.
**And I know this is REALLY immature, but at the age of 18 hey what can I say: I refused to rush sororities that had really "girly" colors like pink or cutesy mascots like (please don't kill me I was 18) unicorns or bumblebees. I know now that a group is not its colors but at the time I really couldn't stand the thought of wearing pink and decorating my room with said mascots.You know how new members get tons of that stuff for gifts. I just couldn't bare it.....If I'd gone through formal rush, I would have suicided. I'm more mature now!
What GLO did you join?
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Old 10-30-2002, 09:11 PM
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Originally posted by AXJules
...A Rho Chi took her to the bathroom, and she CLIMBED OUT OF A WINDOW AND RAN ACROSS OUR LAWN!! She told her PX later that she felt 'freaked out by our wallpaper'. Ohhhh kayyyyyy..........
Oh, wow! That's a SPECIAL type of "freaked out"!! I'll be laughing all night about that one!

~ *~"ADPi"~*~
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Old 10-30-2002, 09:22 PM
DU_KD_924 DU_KD_924 is offline
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2 stories:

1st, similar experience with a sorority wanting to know all about how rich my family is. Well, my dad had just been diagnosed with cancer and was no longer working at all, and my mom was a dental office manager. That wasn't good enough for the Pi Phi's and I got cut.

2nd, at the Tri-Delt suite (we didn't have houses), they sat all the rushees up on chairs arranged in perfect lines but far apart from each other, and the rushers would come and kneel down before the rushees... freaky way of getting to know someone. Anyways, I asked one of the girls I knew in that house if they were "like, bowing down to us rushees." Another girl overheard, and I didn't go back!
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Old 10-30-2002, 10:28 PM
CarolinaDG CarolinaDG is offline
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Re: I didn't get cut but.....

Originally posted by DGWannabe
I did not rush the one where I knew girls b/c one of them was a girl I had Spanish with and she was dumber than bad reason to write off an entire group of girls but.......
**And I know this is REALLY immature, but at the age of 18 hey what can I say: I refused to rush sororities that had really "girly" colors like pink or cutesy mascots like (please don't kill me I was 18) unicorns or bumblebees. I know now that a group is not its colors but at the time I really couldn't stand the thought of wearing pink and decorating my room with said mascots.You know how new members get tons of that stuff for gifts. I just couldn't bare it.....If I'd gone through formal rush, I would have suicided. I'm more mature now!
My freshman year I had a Logic class with a girl in one GLO who never understood ANYTHING that was going on... and this logic class was a SUPER easy class (I got a 105). Well, my sister told me that she had wanted to go that sorority when she rushed and that's why she dropped, and I thought she was insane because of it! Now, one of my best friends outside of DG is in that same GLO... ah, the irony of it all!

And I also want to know what you ended up going, WannabeDG... you mention pink, but your SN seems to suggest a certain very pink GLO?
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Old 10-30-2002, 10:37 PM
carnation carnation is offline
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I'm trying to figure out why her screen name is DGWannabe when she 's already in a national.
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Old 10-31-2002, 05:40 AM
Angels&Arrows Angels&Arrows is offline
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Originally posted by DU_KD_924
2 stories:
1st, similar experience with a sorority wanting to know all about how rich my family is. Well, my dad had just been diagnosed with cancer and was no longer working at all, and my mom was a dental office manager. That wasn't good enough for the Pi Phi's and I got cut.
I am going out on a limb here... I doubt that is the reason Pi Phi cut you...

I can not speak for the particular chapter that you rushed... I just can't imagine the chapter remembered during voting your parents financial status... unless your father was Bill Gates.
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